Special Conditions Key |
No Focus |
No Spells/Bombs |
No Vertical |
No Misses |
Tool-Assisted |
Unmarked Tool Assist |
Pacifist |
Other |
Desynced Replay |
Player | Game | Character Route | Score | Progress / Spell Card | Upload Date (A) | Special Conditions |
Version | Difficulty | Misses | Spells | Slow% | Human Ratio | Record Date |
Comments |
(Alex) | PCB |
SakuyaB |
451,502,190 |
All Clear |
2007-06-15 22:41:45 |
1.00b |
Hard |
0.306% |
Sak B run showing how to play Hard safely. I enter Resurrection Butterfly with *7* lives in stock, despite only capturing 11 cards the whole run. Bomb more. |
(Benny1) | PCB |
MarisaA |
772,968,240 |
All Clear |
2007-06-16 09:15:33 |
1.00b |
Easy |
0.463% |
Well, here's a fairly ideal PCB easy run. I use MarisaA, to get as much cherry as I can. This'll hurt me later actually, but that's later. Anyways, I charge up to the poc in many cases where I shouldn't, but luck was with me. I blew the second half of stage 3, but that's only fairly painful. I do some crazy stuff on stage 4, that was kinda fun. Stage 5 was poc poc poc poc poc over and over again, I lucked out so much. Stage 6 starts with a well timed border, and I get to Yuyuko, and start dying. I die once to her explosion butterfly attack (whyyyy), losing 8 bombs, which is 32 million points, enough to bring me to over 800 million. Then I die twice on Sumizome... and bomb it once... 60 million points down. Almost enough to carry me over to 900 million. With the cherry penalties I took, it's possible I DID miss 900 million. Ressurection Butterfly was a success, though I blew the end of it and lost a border. Don't ask why I was playing PCB easy, anyways. |
(Laggy) | EoSD |
ReimuB |
102,272,630 |
All Clear |
2007-06-16 19:51:29 |
Extra |
0.876% |
ReimuB. Uploaded at Snow's request, nothing impressive. |
(Laggy) | EoSD |
ReimuA |
92,034,980 |
All Clear |
2007-06-16 20:20:32 |
Normal |
0 |
0.907% |
NFNB ReimuA! Yeah this was a cakewalk after Lunatic. Even though I have the biggest screwup ever on stages 5-6. |
(Smashy) | PCB |
SakuyaA |
564,902,840 |
All Clear |
2007-06-16 23:04:53 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0.962% |
A couple of STUPID deaths on Fox-Tanuki and K-Con, and Charming Siege was very bloody, but otherwise, I'll take this SakA clear. |
(Laggy) | PCB |
ReimuA |
462,688,800 |
All Clear |
2007-06-17 20:26:53 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0 |
0.897% |
NFNB ReimuA. Yeah there's not much of a way to make Extra harder without going pacifist. |
(E-mouse) | PCB |
SakuyaA |
390,120,310 |
All Clear |
2007-06-17 20:36:08 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0.086% |
Finally cleared PCB Extra. Used SakA, which made things a bit more challenging. Somehow I managed to cap Charming Siege twice during my many attempts, and apparently UniCon got capped at some point, but otherwise not overly impressive. Ultimate Buddhist was more trouble than it should have been. Now to see if Phantasm is within my capabilities... |
(Smashy) | EoSD |
ReimuA |
101,970,610 |
All Clear |
2007-06-18 10:49:07 |
Normal |
1.593% |
NOOOOOOOOOBODY EXPECTS THE REIMU A 1CC. WARNING: Contains 110% of your daily recommended amount of failure during the stages. Spellcards went much better: only missed 5 cards throughout the run, and capped the first 4 cards of stage 6. |
(Alex) | EoSD |
ReimuA |
94,906,380 |
All Clear |
2007-06-18 21:48:09 |
Normal |
0 |
0.334% |
So I hear Reimu A NFNB is popular these days. 19 spellcards captured, 9 misses and a perfect Remilia fight until Red Magic. 3 of those 9 were on Luna Dial. One on Agni Shine (stupid, but it didn't matter as I had maxed lives and was about to get another), one on the post-Sakuya randoms (they would NOT cut me a break - especially sad since I wasted the 1up from Sak), one on the second Sak normal, one on Marionette, and the other two on Red Magic for a close finish. Highlights include the Remi fight, mad hax on Chuugoku's last two cards, wall of books, Lava Cromlech, and generally everything else. |
(Kefit) | EoSD |
ReimuB |
119,968,550 |
All Clear |
2007-06-22 03:59:21 |
Extra |
0.118% |
This is definitely the hardest Extra stage to complete without focusing. This run is seven months old, and I still don't think I will ever be able to replicate my performance on Philosopher's Stone. |
(Kefit) | EoSD |
ReimuA |
125,330,190 |
All Clear |
2007-06-22 04:01:14 |
Lunatic |
0.333% |
I cleared Lunatic a long time ago, but then when bored one day I suddenly got the silly idea to clear it without focusing. Two weeks of agonizing frustration later, this happens. Simply the best Touhou run I have ever had. The Sakuya battle is especially delicious. |
(Smashy) | EoSD |
ReimuB |
114,130,970 |
All Clear |
2007-06-23 19:41:26 |
Normal |
1.593% |
WARNING: Do not watch this run if you are a Sakyua fan. Anyways... really good up until Stage 6, with a couple of mess-ups on Patchu. And then I fail. Hard. Went into Remi with 4 lives, ended 0/0. Yup. |
(E-mouse) | PCB |
SakuyaA |
534,368,040 |
All Clear |
2007-07-02 09:27:59 |
1.00b |
Phantasm |
0.022% |
Figuring out how to cap Shikigami Ran made this MUCH more managable. Hilariously, the internet was down when I pulled this off so I made another attempt right after finishing. I got to the last wave of DBF before dying with bombs in stock. Fun times. |
(Smashy) | PCB |
ReimuB |
550,875,770 |
2007-07-04 15:50:57 |
1.00b |
Hard |
1.533% |
;_; |
(Alex) | IN |
Marisa & Alice |
951,126,910 |
All Clear |
2007-07-06 14:03:06 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0.195% |
First ever Lunatic 1cc on a Windows game. 4 spellcards captured: Firefly Phenomenon, Hooting, Mystia's first darkness card and Earth in a Pot. Yep. |
(Smashy) | PCB |
MarisaA |
648,844,370 |
All Clear |
2007-07-09 18:26:12 |
1.00b |
Hard |
1.752% |
:D |
(Midnyt) | PCB |
SakuyaB |
586,195,090 |
All Clear |
2007-07-11 22:04:32 |
1.00b |
Easy |
0.255% |
First ever 1cc with Sakuya B for me. I'm pretty surprised at the score and how well the run went. No Deaths up until stage 5 mid-boss Youmu, though there were a few bombs and border breaks that I could have avoided. |
(FallenAngelV) | PCB |
ReimuA |
1,210,380,920 |
All Clear |
2007-07-13 08:23:26 |
1.00b |
Phantasm |
0.163% |
Phantasm gets owned. Also available at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=cZAClRg4akg |
(Jo'ou Ranbu) | PCB |
ReimuA |
391,473,610 |
All Clear |
2007-07-26 13:52:54 |
1.00b |
Easy |
1.190% |
ReimuA playthrough for Gate. Had dumb moments on Alice (lol not noticing bullet on Benevolent French Dolls and bombing Tibetan Dolls), Prismrivers (lol stray bullet on Prism Concerto), Youmu (lol ramming into bullet in Karmic Punishment) and Yuyuko (lol dying twice to Perfect Blossom), but should be helpful enough. |
(Otter) | PCB |
ReimuA |
487,435,810 |
All Clear |
2007-07-26 14:04:31 |
1.00b |
Hard |
0.183% |
PCB Hard NF ReimuA! Not much else to say. Frustratingly bad ending which was made more or less irrelevant by good play earlier, this is nothing new for me. I am kind of surprised I haven't posted one of these already. |
(Talaysen) | EoSD |
MarisaA |
54,754,750 |
2007-07-26 22:40:43 |
Normal |
0.357% |
(GameKyuubi) | PCB |
ReimuB |
603,818,270 |
All Clear |
2007-07-31 00:08:35 |
1.00b |
Phantasm |
0.022% |
I HAVE BESTED YOU YUKARI! Now hand over Ran and nobody gets hurt... :3 |
(Otter) | PCB |
MarisaB |
432,016,480 |
All Clear |
2007-08-03 03:29:09 |
1.00b |
Hard |
0.742% |
MarisaB Hard! No challenges here folks, I have enough trouble playing Marisa as is. Capping all of Alice's and the Prismrivers' cards was fun, although INSANE at points (Revised Concerto Grosso must be seen). Horrible horrible stage 5 (Master Spark on Gaki -> unable to collect 1up... yeahhhhh, no one ever said I was used to Marisa) but I recover somewhat for stage 6, capping Trackless Path (easy) and Repository (less easy). Fun run. |
(Laggy) | EoSD |
ReimuA |
97,625,080 |
All Clear |
2007-08-04 10:03:52 |
Normal |
0 |
0.533% |
Laggy has been in a bit of a Tohou slump lately so he needed something nice and relaxing. Decent run up until stage 5, 100% spellcard capture rate till Marionette (fuck that card, FUUUUCK THAT CARD) and marred with many stupid deaths on Sakuya, made up by a stellar performance on Remilia - all cards except Netherworld capped, including Red Magic. With NFNB ReimuA, this is somewhat of an accomplishment! |
(Alex) | PCB |
SakuyaB |
467,377,100 |
All Clear |
2007-08-06 06:31:47 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0.405% |
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
(Alex) | PCB |
ReimuB |
641,561,410 |
All Clear |
2007-08-07 04:31:33 |
1.00b |
Phantasm |
0.065% |
Danmaku Bounded Field capture. Personal first in an actual run. Also captured Life & Death and Ran. Otherwise unremarkable, just a Reimu B Phantasm run. |
(Namingway) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
25,276,450 |
All Clear |
2007-08-08 20:36:56 |
1.00d |
Hard |
1.639% |
Spellcard 138. Needed to unlock number 210. Sadly, this method proved to be the easist way. This is also my first upload, so it's a test as well. |
(Namingway) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
82,460,750 |
All Clear |
2007-08-08 20:49:37 |
1.00d |
Normal |
1.266% |
Spellcard 210. I have no idea how to get the number to appear elsewhere in the description, but I think I'm doing it right otherwise. Anyway, this one is easier to beat than it is to unlock. Took me 16 tries, which is not many for a last word. |
(Smashy) | StB |
Aya |
289,700 |
All Clear |
2007-08-09 11:24:33 |
1.00a |
None |
1.230% |
Then all of a sudden DOTS. THOUSANDS OF THEM. This is notable for me turning on the hax and capping it with 9 pics taken. |
(Smashy) | StB |
Aya |
277,500 |
All Clear |
2007-08-09 11:26:43 |
1.00a |
None |
1.560% |
I know Hal already upped a replay of this, but this is for the people out there that like to score and like to score high. My personal best shot is nearly 120k. Trying it this way makes it quite the luck card, though ._. |
(Smashy) | StB |
Aya |
234,040 |
All Clear |
2007-08-09 11:27:55 |
1.00a |
None |
2.720% |
Patchy has a ring. But not just any ring, a Royal Diamond Ring (Now with Sun and Moon powers!). Anyways, dodging isn't -that- bad here unless the lasers try to spawn on you over and over. Getting the shot is. |
(Smashy) | StB |
Aya |
198,290 |
All Clear |
2007-08-09 11:33:11 |
1.00a |
None |
0.700% |
Hong Meiling Hong Meiling Hong Meiling Hong Meiling... 230 pics makes this the card that was the hardest for me so far. |
(Cyril) | EoSD |
MarisaB |
83,043,710 |
All Clear |
2007-08-09 17:56:50 |
Normal |
0.303% |
My first 1cc in this game. And yes i know i still suck. But at least clearing the game on normal is a start right? =P Character used: MarisaB |
(Smashy) | StB |
Aya |
437,720 |
All Clear |
2007-08-09 18:58:33 |
1.00a |
None |
1.290% |
This replay fails and I should have died about a million times ;_; |
(Smashy) | StB |
Aya |
270,140 |
All Clear |
2007-08-09 20:20:50 |
1.00a |
None |
9.030% |
And to continue my StB-fest, we have [Void "Inflation Square"]. You have to play this one to understand how hellish this is. 366 attempts for this one, and Hal's probably going to hurt me when he sees that number, despite it being the most attempts I've taken on any card. Also, the slowdown is from all the bullets forming at once during the timestop. Full 60 fps during the dodging sections (of death). |
(Alex) | PCB |
MarisaA |
540,819,050 |
All Clear |
2007-08-11 10:08:57 |
1.00b |
Easy |
0 |
0.369% |
Worth a watch. 20 cards captured. Marisa A, no focus no bomb. That's a nice thing even on Easy Mode. Actually, it's nice just to clear easy with NFNB Marisa - as odd as it sounds, Easy's slow moving dense bullets make some places much *harder* than they are on higher difficulties, particularly Youmu's non-spellcards. Also Lyrica's second anti-Marisa attack - this one is insane on any difficulty and nigh impossible on Easy thanks to everything forming solid walls. This run is perfect up till that attack, though, despite Chen's best efforts to the contrary. Phoenix Egg and especially Pentagram Flight are the hardest unfocused cards in the game up until Prism Concerto, which as we all know is total BS and complete luck. Well, excluding the solo Prism cards; I go for Merlin here and it pays off. Her normal attack is quite a pain on Easy, but her spellcard is a breeze, definitely the easiest of the three sisters and especially so for no focus. Stages 5 and 6 are pretty epic, each containing many many man |
(Alex) | StB |
Aya |
387,530 |
All Clear |
2007-08-11 11:18:57 |
1.02a |
None |
0.000% |
10-2, Shikieiki's [Lie "Tongue of Wolf"] IIRC. I beat this once long ago, but the game crashed when saving the replay. Tried it again idly and got this lucky break. The first four shots can be gotten through with reflexes but the last two are pretty much humanly impossible. |
(Namingway) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
43,909,910 |
All Clear |
2007-08-12 16:10:20 |
1.00d |
Extra |
1.961% |
Spellcard 199. Start at the middle and bottom, move right to "dodge" the first laser as usual. Then you're not even looking at the lasers at all. You're looking for gaps in the black shots that invite you to move over. The spell is attempting to direct you, so just go with the flow. If you do this, it won't even matter if you forget which side the laser will come from. The game often gives you large gaps, but not always. I very rarely mess up this spell, and I can't even beat extra yet, so it's less skill and more technique here. |
(Namingway) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
50,047,590 |
All Clear |
2007-08-12 16:15:40 |
1.00d |
Extra |
1.818% |
Spellcard 198. I always try to start spellcards in the middle, because that's where I'll be in the game when it counts. It's my ready stance. With this card, you don't want to start in the center, so it's lucky that it has a windup, so that you can adjust if you haven't memorized that Xu Fu is coming next. All you have to do here is be on the VERY bottom. You're mostly looking to dodge the little yellow tracking shots she shoots at you. The cards for the most part don't matter. They can only hit you when they move up, as far as I can tell. The cards appear, and you need to move in the gaps before they move up. This strategy absolutely trivializes this card. A good player will probably never mess it up. |
(Benny1) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
16,958,150 |
All Clear |
2007-08-13 17:06:23 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.602% |
This is the best method for Imperishable Shooting. It's hard though, you have to be VERY precise. Sorry it's not a ud replay, I was having issues with it. |
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