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PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date (A) Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
(Otter)PCB ReimuA 217,497,040 2007-05-02 20:41:15 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Normal 0 1.961%
ReimuA, focus ONLY, no bombs! Perfect up till the Prismrivers. Youmu was death, predictably enough. Got up to Yuyu's daggers. I screwed a bunch of stuff up that depresses me here, but I haven't played in forever so I'm not too torn up about it. Fun times anyhow.
(Ian)EoSD MarisaA 45,909,280 All Clear 2007-05-05 15:50:36
Normal 0.133%
Yes, I used 5 lives and chickened out of Misdirection. Sue me. Anyway, this clear took me the best part of half a year to pull off. First 3 stages are fine, then things go badly. Still, I made it, so I'm happy, even with the lowest score in EoSD history.
(Laggy)PCB ReimuB 533,751,540 All Clear 2007-05-06 15:43:00 No Focused MovementNo Bomb Usage
1.00b Extra 0 0.054%
ReimuB, no focus no bomb. Ran's normals were rather terrifying with these conditions, as were some spellcards (CHARMING SIEGE HELLO?) Lots of border burst abuse to scrape it through, though ANGER at the end at many spellcards where I died a stupid death early on (or at the end) and thus did not cap. But hey, it's a clear.
(E-mouse)IN Reimu & Yukari 632,277,900 2007-05-06 17:50:32
1.00d Normal 0.521%
SUDDENLY, FROM OUT OF NOWHERE, DAN FUCKING HIBIKI! Just barely made it to Kaguya, which isn't too horrible. Deathbombed when I shouldn't have in far, far too many cases, though.
(Finali)EoSD MarisaA 66,814,040 All Clear 2007-05-06 19:09:06
Extra 0.283%
0/1. There are a few tricks to the stage I never really did get, and I probably should have risked Starbow Break. Oh well, it's still a clear.
(Smashy)EoSD MarisaA 167,383,710 All Clear 2007-05-07 15:57:56
Extra 1.592%
Flansocks are MIEN. Flawless up to Starbrow (nevermind that bomb after Patch, seriously <_<). Cranberry Trap can be really easy or really hard. I opt to make it really easy. Also, I opt to take Maze the intended way instead of Alex's way. I fail at the precision required for his way. Started failing at the end, but still pulled it out easily (I should have ended 1/1, damnit!)
(Taishyr)PCB MarisaA 397,117,600 All Clear 2007-05-07 18:03:42
1.00b Easy 1.231%
My first Easy clear on this. Notable for my sudden lack of grace on stage 6. Also notable for a 0/0 clear 'cuz I panicked, badly. I can usually handle 10% Reflowering... Final note: I was using MarisaA, which makes this clear a bit more surprising - you'll see me bomb at multiple points somewhat ineffectually, I'm used to Master Spark and Non-Directional Laser's long screentime and didn't adjust well at all to Stardust Ray.
(Halbarad)StB Aya 437,070 All Clear 2007-05-07 22:11:49
1.00a None 0.220%
This is apparently an Ex-2 run or so I'm told. I think I might have done it.
(Finali)EoSD MarisaB 78,091,940 All Clear 2007-05-13 15:49:42
Hard 0.919%
MASTER SPARK LOVE. Yeah, you'll see a lot of that. I was hoping for hax on Sakuya's opener to save the last bomb for Misdirection and it didn't happen. Scarlet Gensokyo was fun in the sense it's putting bullets absolutely everywhere and is threatening at every part of it.
(Otter)PCB ReimuA 255,989,060 2007-05-14 21:08:30 No Focused Movement
1.00b Phantasm 4.232%
Phantasm ReimuA nofocus! Haha.
(Kraix)PCB SakuyaB 403,605,820 All Clear 2007-05-19 08:18:18
1.00b Phantasm 0.101%
Me clearing Phantasm with SakuyaB. I did fairly poorly overall, but I managed to clear the stage (although I had no lives or bombs left over at the end.) Yukari's last two Spell Cards were especially bad for me, and I had no idea whatsoever on how to tackle Danmaku Bounded Field.
(Otter)PCB ReimuA 445,205,400 All Clear 2007-05-20 00:01:47 No Focused Movement
1.00b Extra 6.760%
ReimuA Extra run, no focus. I don't know why my slowdowns have been up lately, it's weird and vaguely troubling. Not an especially nice-looking run (didn't do any of those fun things like capping UniCon or Kokkuri) but it gets the job done.
(Otter)PCB ReimuB 628,205,750 All Clear 2007-05-23 10:25:51 No Focused Movement
1.00b Phantasm 0.369%
NF ReimuB Phantasm! Good times.
(Halbarad)EoSD MarisaB 82,072,550 All Clear 2007-05-27 19:00:31
Normal 0.410%
MarisaB replay on Normal, for the fuzzball. Pretty standard for the most part, other than some real pain on stage 4 (died to the endstage randoms and then TWICE to Metal Fatigue). Stage 5 = bomb Sakuya. Stage 6 involved a few cool things, though. Capped Eternal Meek (a rarity for me) and Remilia's opener, but failed to cap any other spellcard. Finger slipped off of focus during Scarlet Shoot or I'm pretty sure I'd have had that one at least.
(E-mouse)EoSD MarisaB 79,455,510 2007-05-27 20:12:49
Normal 40.075%
This game is kicking my ass so hard. ;_;
(Talaysen)EoSD MarisaB 57,093,450 2007-05-28 18:58:29
Normal 0.373%
Got pretty close on this one.
(Halbarad)EoSD MarisaB 106,818,660 All Clear 2007-05-29 19:18:53
Hard 0.556%
0/1 clear. I cannot believe I FINALLY got EoSD Hard. More comments later, I'm still buzzing. @_@
(GameKyuubi)PCB ReimuB 519,827,420 All Clear 2007-05-30 06:06:06
1.00b Normal 0.663%
(No longer)Best Normal PCB run I have to date. Screwed up big-time at the end, but I made it. (Reimu B)
(E-mouse)EoSD MarisaB 74,330,910 All Clear 2007-05-30 17:25:46
Normal 40.084%
YES! FINALLY! I was discouraged by having to bomb Perfect Freeze, bombing one of China's... was it normals?, and dying pointlessly to Koakuma with full bombs, but somehow I made it. I haxed Red Magic so much - if I'd managed to not bomb early on I would have capped it, which is pretty WTF. What a rush.
(Taishyr)EoSD MarisaB 59,520,170 2007-05-30 18:25:18
Normal 0.702%
EoSD Normal. Got to Boss Sakuya. Please note I suck at bombing.
(Otter)EoSD ReimuA 88,100,000 2007-05-30 19:41:14
Lunatic 0.332%
Laggy insisted that I humiliate myself with a ReimuA run of Lunatic EoSD, so I just went with my first attempt to get it over with. It sucks, I die at Patchy, I didn't even come close to capping the stuff I was talking smack on, I'm the worst EoSD player ever, etc. etc.
(Laggy)EoSD MarisaB 128,039,830 All Clear 2007-05-30 23:43:51
Lunatic 0.512%
Can't... breathe... heart rate.. abnormal... (It took months and months and months of angry antagonizing deaths at the hands of Scarlet Gensokyo, but it's done. It's DONE.)
(Alex)PCB MarisaB 416,489,740 All Clear 2007-06-01 04:46:25
1.00b Normal 0.477%
Watch this if you want some entertainment. There is mad hax and awesome moments. Probably my best PCB Normal run to date. 21 spellcards captured. Missed only Concerto Grosso (anger!), 5 Signs of the Deva (ANGER!), Ageless Obsession (meh, I should have Sparked this), LSV (FREAKING IMPOSSIBLE WITH MARISA) and Sumizome (Laggy).
(Laggy)PCB ReimuA 493,410,610 All Clear 2007-06-02 17:55:31 No Focused Movement
1.00b Hard 0.531%
ReimuA NF. Weeeee what the hell. Did this totally on a whim and somehow cleared. Pretty funky play early on, I fail it up horribly on the weirdest things (Chen's last card? Alice normals??? Stage 3 randoms?????) but somehow manage to capture spellcards that should've been near impossible with a no focus ReimuA. Fouled up bad on stage 6, two early deaths that should've depressed me to failure but instead drove me to scrape a clear. Oh yeah, in case you're wondering why Laggy isn't bombing at all on Rezzy B, it's to SPITE YOU FOOLS.
(Laggy)EoSD ReimuB 107,428,060 All Clear 2007-06-02 18:33:00 No Focused Movement
Hard 0.437%
ReimuB NF run, as requested by Snow. This is a run full of what-the-fuck (best Patchy and Sakuya performance EVAR) and full of what-the-fuck (hilarity deaths. The stage 3 one. ALL OF THE STAGE 6 ONES. The last two minutes of the replay. Absolutely amazing. Not in the good way.)
(GameKyuubi)PCB ReimuB 416,865,780 All Clear 2007-06-03 05:47:28
1.00b Extra 0.000%
My very first clear of Extra (Reimu B). <3 you too, Ran.
(Otter)PCB ReimuB 521,405,570 All Clear 2007-06-03 15:31:53 No Focused Movement
1.00b Extra 0.226%
NF ReimuB Extra! It goes with the Phantasm one I guess. I knew I could do it, I was just bored and Snow wants to watch, so, bam.
(Laggy)PCB ReimuA 395,163,600 All Clear 2007-06-03 16:18:34
1.00b Lunatic 0.491%
ReimuA. Needed to prove I could clear this without the power of Cheesekuya. Prove it I did! Somehow. Alice is hax worthy, everything else is kind of ehhhh though. For a bonus prize, count how many hax Otter-style deathbombs I do in this run!
(Otter)PCB SakuyaB 362,192,430 2007-06-03 16:28:34
1.00b Lunatic 0.279%
SakuyaB Lunatic. Terrible, I barely get to stage six. Upping it so Laggy can comment some.
(Otter)EoSD MarisaB 120,458,140 All Clear 2007-06-04 04:24:24
Hard 0.348%
MarisaB Hard! 0/0 finish, pressure just about cracked me. Feels great to have this finished.
(Jo'ou Ranbu)PCB SakuyaB 475,532,520 All Clear 2007-06-04 13:01:23
1.00b Extra 6.904%
(Jo'ou Ranbu)PCB ReimuB 296,295,690 All Clear 2007-06-04 19:25:28
1.00b Extra 0.585%
They just start pouring in when the first works. ReimuB Extra 1cc. Nothing too noteworthy.
(Finali)PCB ReimuB 326,953,930 All Clear 2007-06-06 15:02:13 No Focused Movement
1.00b Normal 0.563%
No focus fun with ReimuB~. Can you tell I haven't played in a while?
(Laggy)PCB SakuyaA 539,531,510 All Clear 2007-06-07 20:26:45
1.00b Extra 0.272%
SakuyaA Extra run by Jeremy's request. Izuna Gongen is not hard to cap without safety corridor contrary to popular Alex opinions.
(GameKyuubi)PCB ReimuB 635,716,850 All Clear 2007-06-12 06:59:35
1.00b Normal 0.313%
Wow this went SO well until Youmu. SO WELL. And then I started doing really stupid shit. Like shoving bullets up my ass. And accidentally hitting the bomb key. And missing the shift key. Still, it's my best run as of 6/12/2007
(Alex)IN Marisa & Alice 1,089,904,650 All Clear 2007-06-12 10:44:52 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00d Easy 0 0.116%
100% perfect FinalA run. No deaths, no bombs, all spellcards captured (including Hourai Elixir), all point item levels hit and all time orb requirements made. (Ehh, Easy mode? Kimoooooiiiii...)
(Otter)PCB ReimuA 166,978,160 2007-06-14 23:55:12
1.00b Lunatic 0.193%
ReimuA Lunatic. Really awful run meant more as a warmup than anything else, I mess up everything and baaaarely get to stage 5 (at 0/0). The only reason I'm putting it up here is that I capture Hanged Hourai Dolls and upon review I have decided that This Is Awesome. Check that out real quick if you want.
(Benny1)EoSD ReimuA 131,867,520 All Clear 2007-06-15 21:38:27 No Focused Movement
Normal 0.385%
I captured Red Magic! Quite happy with this run.
(Benny1)PCB ReimuB 637,391,430 All Clear 2007-06-15 21:50:43
1.00b Hard 0.351%
Absoutely awesome yet horrible run. 4 extra lives at the end, yet I did horrible on Yuyuko.
(Benny1)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,835,053,190 All Clear 2007-06-15 21:51:50
1.00d Normal 0.262%
I can't remember the specifics, but this was a score replay. Yet I scored really low XD. Not bad I bet.


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