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« 1 ..... 958 959 960 961 962 ..... 972 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
(Otter)PCB ReimuA 428,984,250 All Clear 2007-12-20 19:21:56 No Focused Movement
1.00b Hard 0.230%
PCB Hard with NF ReimuA! I intended this as a warm-up, which is why it looks like I'm just messing around early on (it's also my excuse for why I suck so much throughout; I mean, 0/0 finish?). Mostly upping this because of the no-focus capture of Deep Sleep, which I don't think I've ever capped before. Enjoy!
(Finali)IN Reimu & Yukari 627,655,240 2007-12-20 16:10:12
1.00d Hard 0.084%
I suck. A lot. This much should be apparent.
(Talaysen)IN Yukari 27,911,820 All Clear 2007-12-20 15:03:01
1.00d Lunatic 0.741%
(Alex)PCB ReimuB 607,100,380 All Clear 2007-12-20 11:41:38
1.00b Phantasm 0.089%
Border of Humans and Youkai capture.
(Ruka)EoSD MarisaA 72,827,170 2007-12-20 11:22:22
Normal 0.434%
Thought I'd give EoSD a shot again after a while. Could've done better.
(Alex)EoSD MarisaA 65,649,560 All Clear 2007-12-20 06:28:34 No Bomb Usage
Easy 0 0.106%
No miss, no bomb. EoSD Easy becomes surprisingly threatening later on - Misdirection and the randoms immediately following it are made harder by the slower and denser shots, Sakuya's second normal likewise (thought I'd die there), and Marionette is quite nervewracking as usual.
(Talaysen)IN Yukari 648,928,540 2007-12-19 19:30:23
1.00d Hard 0.121%
Got to Hourai Jewel, which is much further than I have ever gotten before.
(Benny1)PCB ReimuB 763,793,430 All Clear 2007-12-19 16:23:34
1.00b Hard 0.413%
It's atrocious until Yuyuko. I do not lose a single bomb or life against Yuyuko. Tops my old score by like 100 million.
(Otter)EoSD ReimuB 113,046,370 All Clear 2007-12-19 14:42:53
Hard 0.357%
EoSD Hard, ReimuB! 1/0 finish. Highlight was definitely capping Za Warudo and then Killing Doll, I don't honestly think I've ever capped EITHER ONE until now. Stupid failures at points (didn't cap Bury In Lake or Illusional Misdirection, both of which I capped on the run right before this, and the failure to cap Jack the Ludo Bile stands out...) but I'm too pleased with the general stomping of Sakuya to get too mad at myself.
(Jo'ou Ranbu)PCB ReimuB 398,148,460 All Clear 2007-12-19 14:39:10 No Focused Movement
1.00b Hard 2.532%
My first NF Hard 1cc, ReimuB. Kinda bare, but had some fun hax here and there. Almost capped Rezzy B. ;_;
(SageAcrin)PCB SakuyaA 233,797,030 All Clear 2007-12-19 13:36:26 Other Condition
1.00b Normal 0.373%
Full focus(Never unfocused) run. This has been something I'd wanted to try for a while; Back when I started playing, I rarely unfocused, so I'd always thought this would be somewhat easy. I was right. 7/2 clear says so. It's a fun run to watch, I think. ^_^
(Finali)PCB ReimuB 360,434,290 All Clear 2007-12-18 19:28:28
1.00b Normal 0.267%
Normally I wouldn't up something so standard but a Rezzy B cap is godlike by my standards so yeah.
(Ruka)PCB MarisaB 263,278,360 2007-12-18 17:27:44
1.00b Normal 0.540%
ALMOST!!!!! >_<
(SageAcrin)PCB ReimuB 353,751,970 All Clear 2007-12-18 14:16:22
1.00b Extra 0.000%
Revisiting the site of highest intimidation for me. PCB Extra was something I first cleared right after clearing PCB Normal(I mean, within days.) with *hellish* difficulty, and I never was able to shake the feeling that I couldn't do it with a character I was worse with/that had less bombs/without stupid luck even after clearing Lunatics, something that showed in attempts to prove it wrong(See, dying to Buddhist on two attempts.). Welp, that feeling's gone. ^_^
(Alex)PCB MarisaA 350,459,450 All Clear 2007-12-18 04:26:37 No Focused Movement
1.00b Extra 0.049%
Marisa A NF Extra. Fun times, haven't run this in forever. I'm surprised at how well I did in some parts, especially Unilateral Contact and the first part of Kokkuri-san. Only 3 captures (Soaring Guardian God, Tenko and Buddhist) but I'll take what I can get.
(Talaysen)IN Yukari 640,522,990 All Clear 2007-12-17 21:36:31
1.00d Normal 0.096%
Went into stage 6 with 8 lives and one bomb and cleared with 5 lives and 2 bombs, making this easily my best clear to date.
(Wong)PCB ReimuB 1,152,987,430 All Clear 2007-12-17 18:36:02 No Focused Movement
1.00b Hard 0.099%
ReimuB no-focus for PCB Hard. Lots of stupidity in this as a warning. Also, it was done almost two years back... ._.
(Finali)PCB ReimuA 117,972,040 2007-12-17 18:11:54 No Focused Movement
1.00b Hard 4.026%
The character + challenge alone should set you up as to the fail contained within.
(Drayen)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,957,470,440 All Clear 2007-12-17 02:02:27
1.00d Lunatic 0.905%
My first IN lunatic 1CC, crappy score because i valued survival over scoring, and because of the fact i finished my run with 0 lives 0 bombs :O Somehow i hadnt played IN for like 6months, but i 1cced lunatic on my first try!
(Wong)IN Marisa & Alice 2,014,733,740 All Clear 2007-12-17 01:28:52 Other Condition
1.00d Lunatic 3.511%
Done by Jo'ou's request. A purely Malice cannon run. For those wondering how I managed to switch between Marisa and Alice so fast, it's because I ticked on the autofire button on my joystick (which is set to SHIFT). So yes, this replay DID have external aid in it. Although it's more of a limiter than an aid... x_x As a warning for your general health, please do not look at Marisa/Alice too long for there is the possibility you'll get a seizure. And finally, I thought this run was gonna be impossible. I guess the insane damage made it easier than I thought it'd be.
(Jo'ou Ranbu)PCB SakuyaA 419,001,470 All Clear 2007-12-16 23:14:22
1.00b Easy 2.019%
Easy 1cc SakA for Ciato. I think the general modus operandi for SakuyaA can be seen fairly well through this run. I do a lot of pretty O_o passes for a beginner, though, and those may not be recommended. I do abuse the homing a lot, though, which is key. I hope this run is useful, in spite of a few lol deaths here and there.
(Halbarad)PCB MarisaB 282,786,420 All Clear 2007-12-16 19:06:04
1.00b Normal 0.536%
Haven't uploaded a rep in a while so have a weird one. My keyboard is screwed up, preventing me from making any serious attempts at stuff I haven't managed to clear yet. Stage 4 contains rampant keyboard hate, stage 6 has some of the stupidest mistakes and hax combined. 0/0 clear.
(Talaysen)MoF MarisaA 269,832,760 All Clear 2007-12-16 16:36:14
1.00a Normal 0.030%
Probably my best run to date!
(Jo'ou Ranbu)IN Marisa & Alice 1,021,403,670 All Clear 2007-12-16 14:25:21
1.00d Extra 30.861%
My first IN Extra clear. Sorry about the slowdown, but I just can't control it. I wish I could have sub-5% slowdown on IN outside of Magic Team Hard against Eirin, but just doesn't happen. ._. The slowdown happens essentially on the normals, which actually helps a bunch (a couple of normals have O_o passes, which I wouldn't do as effortlessly without the slowdown, I admit), but the spellcards, Xu Fu aside (where it DOESN'T FREAKING MATTER), were slowdown-free. This was pretty fun, anyway.
(Talaysen)IN Reimu 566,685,710 All Clear 2007-12-15 20:10:46
1.00d Normal 0.085%
Reimu doesn't suck! (Epic lulz on stage 6~)
(Talaysen)PCB MarisaB 180,752,060 All Clear 2007-12-15 20:00:12
1.00b Normal 0.214%
Last person I needed to clear with! Pretty good run despite the epic stage 2 and 3.
(Wong)IN Reimu & Yukari 3,354,236,990 All Clear 2007-12-15 16:38:23
1.00d Lunatic 2.238%
I think I'll start doing IN Lunatic score runs again. This run was pretty well for the beginning. And then, everything went downhill at Kaguya. I was headdesking at the amount of Last Words I failed at 1 second left...
(Jo'ou Ranbu)IN Marisa & Alice 859,136,900 All Clear 2007-12-15 13:51:25
1.00d Lunatic 14.309%
My first IN Lunatic, kinda. FinalA, and pretty bare-bones. I could've done much better and I probably would be able to beat even FinalB if I didn't flub at a bunch of points (Reimu being particularly noteworthy). However, this kinda shows how amazing Magic Team can be in the higher difficulties. I shouldn't be 1cc'ing a Lunatic after something like three-four tries. The slowdown, though? I have to deal with it. I tried messing with the settings to lower fluency for more stable framerate and all I got was a 120fps madness thing. Ahahahaha to trying THAT.
(SageAcrin)PCB SakuyaA 262,822,330 All Clear 2007-12-15 13:10:25
1.00b Lunatic 0.168%
Feel the power of bombness. Otter's wrong; You can clear *every* PCB mode if you bomb well. Four lousy caps, but 51 bombs used led me to an 0/2 clear with two runs and a practice shot of every stage. One shot. BOMB MORE. ^_^ And no, Stage 4 sucks, you don't need to tell me. Stage 6 was all over the place because of nervouseness, and most of the rest I'm just not really good enough to reliably dodge...
(Arsen)MoF ReimuB 172,751,470 All Clear 2007-12-14 19:39:06
1.00a Extra 62.040%
ReimuB extra. I can't stop lol-ing at the frog background.
(Arsen)MoF ReimuB 849,255,090 All Clear 2007-12-14 19:36:20
1.00a Hard 70.050%
Slow is sloow. About 7-8 fps on Hina card... If only I can change my computer. orz
(Wong)IN Youmu 1,580,042,460 All Clear 2007-12-13 19:24:39
1.00d Extra 0.186%
Youmu solo extra run. Not my best, but it still was my highest score run for IN Extra.
(Wong)IN Youmu 3,290,236,600 All Clear 2007-12-13 19:17:44
1.00d Hard 0.000%
Youmu Solo run. Done out of impromptu.
(Talaysen)EoSD ReimuB 74,288,510 All Clear 2007-12-13 15:29:02
Normal 0.334%
Last person I needed to clear it with. Pretty good run overall, I think.
(Alex)IN Alice 823,420,920 All Clear 2007-12-13 08:05:34 Other Condition
1.00d Extra 0.270%
Alice Solo on Extra. Marked as "Other" under challenge because Alice solo really is that bad. The run isn't terrible, just the usual spate of doing-so-well-until-that-one-mistake, save for a couple of cards that are ludicrous for Alice and Fujiyama which I just suck at. This concludes the seminar on running IN Extra with terrible characters.
(Vitra)IN Marisa 21,613,220 All Clear 2007-12-12 22:14:43
1.00d Normal 11.212%
A textbook example of Marisa Solo vs. Earth Light Ray. 85 tries; no idea how many of those were after I figured out the "trick".
(SageAcin)EoSD MarisaA 84,165,660 All Clear 2007-12-10 13:30:12
Extra 0.960%
AHAHAHAHAHA~ 0/3 first 1cc. Congratulations, a winner is me. All Extras are happy end, except MoF. If I can't clear that, I'm hanging Jo'ou. Lousy amount of caps(4), and the stage bombs were 100% unneeded in two cases, but it has it's moments. (Capped all boocs, IIRC, for instance. Die boocs.)
(Jo'ou Ranbu)IN Marisa & Alice 854,921,250 All Clear 2007-12-10 13:26:03
1.00d Hard 10.037%
Another Hard 1cc, this time on FinalB. Pretty close, this should make Sage happy.
(Laggy)PCB ReimuB 445,233,220 All Clear 2007-12-10 12:34:04
1.00b Lunatic 0.694%
The very definition of a great run going to trainwreck. Still a clear, but lulz at stage 4 and beyond!
(Smashy)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,285,467,340 All Clear 2007-12-10 02:29:39
1.00d Normal 1.881%
I don't have an IN 1CC of any sort up? Time for the basic Border Team 1CC. I forgot how hax IN becomes starting at Marisa.


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