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« 1 ..... 952 953 954 955 956 ..... 972 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
(sonicbhoc)PCB MarisaB 211,902,210 2008-05-12 14:06:32
1.00b Normal 0.073%
I suck. :P
(Kefit)IN Reimu 37,541,260 All Clear 2008-05-10 14:17:20 No Focused MovementNo Vertical Movement
1.00d Lunatic 1.471%
Rising World Lunatic no focus no vertical capture. This requires a good amount of luck.
(Giles F. Ahrun)PCB ReimuB 377,131,730 2008-05-10 12:15:57
1.00b Normal 0.335%
The best run I've made with ReimuB.
(Poochy)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,379,093,990 All Clear 2008-05-10 00:27:05
1.00d Extra 0.281%
I finally managed to somehow capture Hourai Doll at the end to meet the quota of 7, though, after screwing up on Immortal "Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-". (I know what to do, I just moved to the left a little too late and got caught in the corner.)
(Poochy)IN Reimu & Yukari 67,252,260 All Clear 2008-05-10 00:02:19
1.00d 0.345%
After 110 attempts (although I didn't really know what I was doing for the first 80 or so tries), I FINALLY captured it!
(Poochy)IN Reimu & Yukari 28,791,680 All Clear 2008-05-08 14:54:13 No Focused Movement
1.00d Easy 0.386%
Don't ask me why, but I decided to attempt a no-focus capture on this spell card. Captured it on my first no-focus try, too.
(Roukan)PCB ReimuB 440,574,890 2008-05-07 11:47:15
1.00b Hard 0.049%
Another Hard 1cc! Okay, in all honesty, I got incredibly lucky with my borders, and I had enough lives left by Stage 6 to bombspam. Although capturing Resurrection Butterfly at the end was pretty nice.
(Phar)EoSD MarisaA 467,890,740 All Clear 2008-05-04 05:15:08
Extra 2.185%
Oh hey, I beat my previous score by 40 million. Almost everything went exactly as it should this run. All cards captured but Silent Selene, zero unintentional bombs/deaths, final graze count of 8722.
(Alex)MoF ReimuB 264,494,470 2008-05-03 23:21:29
1.00a Lunatic 0.000%
Die., Sage. Just die. Watch stage 6, forward to the end.
(Alper)IN Reimu & Yukari 34,246,460 All Clear 2008-05-02 18:02:05
1.00_ Extra 2.917%
(Alper)IN Reimu & Yukari 35,907,320 All Clear 2008-05-02 18:01:31
1.00_ Extra 2.105%
(Alper)IN Reimu & Yukari 226,982,370 All Clear 2008-05-02 17:07:32
1.00_ Hard 1.369%
(Benny1)PCB ReimuB 843,426,030 All Clear 2008-05-01 19:07:52
1.00b Hard 0.547%
(Ultima66)MoF ReimuA 267,788,480 All Clear 2008-05-01 16:30:41
1.00a Normal 0.190%
First ever Normal 1CC on MoF that's not MarisaB.
(ze~)StB Aya 256,190 All Clear 2008-05-01 02:05:41
1.02a None 0.430%
This was surprisingly easy
(Kefit)IN Yuyuko 19,539,420 All Clear 2008-04-30 00:34:16 No Focused Movement
1.00d Lunatic 0.775%
Solo Yuyuko no focus Astronomical Entombing capture. Solo youkai have a very difficult time with this card, and of them all Yuyuko takes the longest time to wear down Eirin's lifebar. I wasn't really serious when I initially tried to get a no focus capture, but lo and behold it happens ~120 tries later.
(ze~)StB Aya 76,630 All Clear 2008-04-29 23:32:23
1.02a None 0.000%
made of wasted shots and lol luck
(Benit149)EoSD MarisaB 2,577,940 2008-04-28 18:26:57 Pacifist
Easy 0.289%
Pacifist easy run with MarisaA. God, do I suck at dodging in stages 4 and 5. Damn you, Sakuya!
(Benit149)EoSD MarisaA 166,480,010 All Clear 2008-04-28 14:24:57
Extra 0.107%
EoSD Extra clear with MarisaB. I'm happy with capturing as many spellcards as I did, but acted like an idiot on QED. Referred to a Kefit video as a walkthrough.
(Kefit)IN Reimu & Yukari 391,000 All Clear 2008-04-27 20:05:20 No Focused MovementPacifist
1.00d Lunatic 0.694%
Apollo 13 Lunatic timed out without focusing. This is the true essence of silliness. ~150 tries, including three failures with two seconds left to go.
(Zentilli(9)n)PCB MarisaB 131,003,400 2008-04-27 18:34:42
1.00b Easy 3.574%
Hahaha! Improved Marisa B run! Though one could say I just got lucky this time around, I definitely did better. Should have been a little more careful with Youmou's midboss form, though. Next time, next time.
(Alper)MoF ReimuA 159,260,630 All Clear 2008-04-27 04:47:59
1.00a Hard 0.270%
(Kefit)IN Reimu 527,500 All Clear 2008-04-26 17:10:54 No Focused MovementPacifist
1.00d Lunatic 1.190%
Continuing the silliness, I successfully timed out Asteroid Belt Lunatic without focusing. This was quite fun to do, and somehow only took 19 tries.
(Kefit)IN Reimu & Yukari 25,846,840 All Clear 2008-04-26 17:08:56 No Focused MovementPacifist
1.00d Lunatic 0.391%
Sometimes I get really silly ideas. Like no focus capturing Hourai Elixir Lunatic. Those last few seconds are NOT meant to be done without focusing.
(Kefit)IN Reimu & Yukari 365,400 All Clear 2008-04-26 17:07:02 No Focused MovementPacifist
1.00d Lunatic 1.250%
Kil challenged me to do this; it only took four tries.
(Phar)EoSD MarisaA 427,820,600 All Clear 2008-04-26 11:54:41
Extra 2.179%
Scorerun using all the dirty tricks in the book. All cards captured except Silent Selene (for score reasons) and QED (fuck you, Flandre). Most attacks timed out until the last few seconds. Final graze count is around 7500. The only significant improvements I can think of for this score are capturing QED or using MarisaB for more scorehax.
(SageAcrin)MoF ReimuB 46,482,430 All Clear 2008-04-25 16:00:31
1.00a Lunatic 0.310%
For Laggy. I'm playing again! Here is where I continued a dozen times on MoF. Good ti-ALKDSHJKHDK MOF LUNATIC IS A HORRIDLY BALANCED PIECE OF JUNK THAT MAKES EOSD LUNATIC LOOK INTUITIVE. THE MEMORIZATION IS WORSE. THE DESIGN IS LESS FUN. STAGE 1 IS POSSIBLY STRAIGHT UP HARDER THAN STAGE 5. What the hell, ZUN, were you really drunk when you coded Lunatic and Easy? This isn't fun. :( Anyways, here's Stage 6 of the run; I'll give ZUN credit for this much, it's neat that I can save this. VoWG is stupid though. :(
(Roukan)MoF ReimuA 374,610,700 All Clear 2008-04-25 15:59:09
1.00a Extra 0.030%
A quick, improved Extra record, now with some competence (some anyway - I still bomb out most of the stage). On the bright side, I captured Mishaguji-sama, so it's not all that bad.
(Giles F. Ahrun)EoSD ReimuB 81,108,840 2008-04-24 07:47:01
Normal 0.963%
My best run so far... Finally managed to reach the 6th Stage.... It's a pity I didn't managed to get the 1up against Sakuya -.-'''
(Roukan)EoSD ReimuB 139,056,910 2008-04-23 11:12:11
Extra 0.165%
(Roukan)PCB ReimuA 510,920,820 All Clear 2008-04-22 12:25:50
1.00b Extra 0.043%
A new Extra score. Pretty decent except for the fact that Ultimate Buddhist killed me with 3 bombs in stock. Damn you, Ran.
(Avist Torch)MoF MarisaA 513,543,430 All Clear 2008-04-21 22:33:48
1.00a Normal 0.040%
Just a standard Normal clear with Marisa A, 5 extra lives remaining at the end. Nothing special, although the score is half-decent.
(Zentilli⑨n)PCB ReimuB 191,084,430 2008-04-21 16:45:22
1.00b Easy 2.210%
And the last upload for the best of Zentilli⑨n as of April 21 2008, a Reimu B run! I hardly ever used her until recently, and I seem to be pretty good with her... just not good enough. Ha.
(Zentilli⑨n)PCB SakuyaA 120,029,170 2008-04-21 16:40:41
1.00b Easy 2.906%
When I don't really care about score and just want to go far "easily", I use Sakuya A. Still can't clear, though. Ah well. There's one better run where I got to Stage 6 once, but the computer crashed before I could save the replay. Bummer.
(Zentilli⑨n)PCB MarisaB 84,834,380 2008-04-21 16:33:06
1.00b Easy 3.446%
Probably my best Marisa B run to date. Too bad I still can't get past the Sisters. Ugh. There's a "better" run where my score's higher, but I don't like showing my 5-life runs.
(AoA)StB Aya 334,030 All Clear 2008-04-21 09:14:25
1.00a None 0.000%
(Giles F. Ahrun)EoSD MarisaA 69,274,040 2008-04-19 18:43:36
Normal 1.309%
My best EoSD run for now... Despite the silly mistakes I've made and getting panicked in the later stages...
(ze~)StB Aya 149,370 All Clear 2008-04-19 11:08:47
1.02a None 0.000%
Patchy <3
(AoA)StB Aya 290,880 All Clear 2008-04-19 05:58:54
1.00a None 0.000%
(AoA)StB Aya 480,590 All Clear 2008-04-19 05:30:41
1.00a None 0.000%
9-1. for Anon


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