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(Xenmaru)PCB SakuyaA 54,368,190 2008-06-03 23:39:57
1.00b Normal 0.391%
bah...Skittle Sisters again, but i was starting to suck before them. Doing this at 1:30 in the morning with work the next day isnt the best of times...
(Xenmaru)PCB MarisaB 101,071,080 2008-06-03 19:36:17
1.00b Easy 0.319%
SKITTLE SISTERS!!!! *Shake fist* Almost beat Youmu but i got killed without even realizing it...
(Magic Fanatic)PCB SakuyaB 159,926,380 2008-06-02 21:53:06 No Focused Movement
1.00b Normal 0.215%
(Fawkes)IN Reimu & Yukari 446,624,270 All Clear 2008-06-01 16:50:02
1.00a Normal 2.476%
Absurdly Messy normal mode attempt
(Finali)MoF ReimuB 160,118,220 2008-05-31 17:03:48
1.00a Hard 0.060%
Finally managed to not fail on stage 4, but I'm unfamiliar with the stuff after it , so everything past that is epic~
(Destructiox)PCB ReimuB 265,849,670 All Clear 2008-05-31 08:25:45
1.00b Normal 0.363%
Did this quite a while ago, but never uploaded it, a relatively smooth run up until Yuyuko, blarg x_x but got it in the end.
(nintendonut888)EoSD MarisaA 89,137,380 All Clear 2008-05-31 00:42:59
Extra 16.471%
I would have probably never pulled through with this one without support. Flandre's got some nasty spell cards. There was some slowdown with the computer during this run, but the only point I think it made a difference was during Royal Flare. Enjoy!
(nintendonut888)EoSD MarisaB 107,936,170 All Clear 2008-05-31 00:40:44
Hard 5.015%
The result of 5 months of fighting. I am perfectly satisfied with this run, although I want to 1cc lunatic someday.
(nintendonut888)IN Reimu 695,756,570 All Clear 2008-05-30 17:58:52
1.00d Hard 18.545%
My first hard 1cc, meant to unlock Marisa's last word. I can't remember much about it, except that Hourai Jewel came down to the wire, and that I got cheated out of Kaguya's slow motion explosion.
(nintendonut888)MoF ReimuB 107,274,730 All Clear 2008-05-30 17:55:15
1.00a Extra 7.960%
My computer is really old, and I sadly can't run MoF much because of it, but thankfully this stage alone runs fine. After clearing Yukari's last word and beating phantasm with Reimu, I felt invincible. Since I don't like feeling that way, I ran the sole extra stage I had yet to clear (as a result of the massive slowdown before I realized you could change the graphics quality). What can I say? I was really on a roll that night, and Suwako is really pathetic for an extra boss. This was only my sixth attempt too.
(nintendonut888)IN Reimu 24,193,090 All Clear 2008-05-30 17:49:07
1.00d 14.920%
A capture of Yukari's last word. I felt great for finally doing it, but in hindsight it's nothing special.
(nintendonut888)PCB ReimuA 404,469,360 All Clear 2008-05-30 17:44:38
1.00b Phantasm 7.060%
Most epic phantasm clear ever? I certainly think so. I was on a high after capturing Yukari's last word, and decided out of boredom to challenge this stage with Reimu. I'm not very good with Reimu, and I hadn't touched the stage since clearing it for the first time a few months prior. You can really see that...heh. If you want to know how it was epic, it was how I beat Yukari after entering the battle with no lives and a bomb.
(nintendonut888)PCB MarisaB 324,806,900 All Clear 2008-05-30 17:39:30
1.00b Extra 23.458%
This was my first extra clear ever, and the result of 14 days of constant battling. Not very impressive by any means, and I really screwed up at the end, but it was a huge accomplishment to me.
(nintendonut888)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,141,614,880 All Clear 2008-05-30 16:51:00
1.00d Extra 15.491%
I randomly decided to play through extra one day after laughing at a video of someone failing at this stage, proving to nobody in particular that this stage isn't that hard. I...guess I did. Despite some bad screwups, including a death at the end of Fujiyama Volcano and a cowardly display against PbP, I think I did very well. I certainly wasn't expecting to capture Imperishable Shooting, but there you go. Even though I've cleared every extra stage in the series, this is probably the only run I think is truly impressive, if only for capturing that beast of a last spell.
(El Cideon)IN Remilia & Sakuya 567,241,320 All Clear 2008-05-30 13:37:35
1.00d Normal 1.513%
Woo. About time I actually did this with the team I like the most. Some stupid deaths and panic bombing, but eh. I actually had lives to spare at the end, which is good for me.
(pbsaffran)MoF ReimuC 301,502,030 2008-05-25 17:50:55
1.00a Normal 0.030%
Started off rather well, but I completely lost it after chapter 3.
(Phar)EoSD ReimuA 16,205,560 2008-05-25 05:29:08 No Focused MovementPacifist
Extra 0.304%
One-handed run: no focus, no bombs used, no shots fired. Ran out of lives on QED, 18 seconds before the end. The last 30 seconds of QED move at full speed, so I suppose the only way a clear is feasible is to have three lives in stock. Which means a flawless run up to that point...
(Talaysen)IN Marisa 531,140,690 All Clear 2008-05-23 14:20:37
1.00d Hard 0.044%
Aww, so close to capping Hourai Jewel too~
(TranceHime)MoF ReimuA 169,188,890 2008-05-23 03:00:54
1.00a Normal 13.330%
(kakusei)PCB ReimuB 327,801,970 2008-05-22 10:25:05
1.00b Extra 0.150%
(Laggy)MoF ReimuC 412,075,940 All Clear 2008-05-22 03:23:26
1.00a Lunatic 0.060%
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl worst char ever etc.
(Poochy)IN Reimu & Yukari 71,699,640 All Clear 2008-05-22 01:38:36
1.00d 1.031%
Most sane people would be content with simply capturing this spell card. I, on the other hand, am a little off my rocker, so I aimed to supergraze it.
(Poochy)IN Reimu & Yukari 22,668,190 All Clear 2008-05-22 01:28:06
1.00d Extra 0.602%
This one took me over 300 tries, and I almost botched it near the end when I forgot to move up above the blue bullets. I managed to weave my way through them, though.
(Talaysen)MoF ReimuA 179,524,120 2008-05-21 20:19:44
1.00a Hard 0.020%
Before this, I couldn't even get to stage 5 without continues, but somehow I made it all the way to WGV. Seems like clearing this might actually be doable!
(Talaysen)EoSD MarisaB 87,921,090 All Clear 2008-05-20 20:09:35
Hard 0.332%
...I still cannot believe I actually did that.
(Zurren)IN Reimu & Yukari 910,422,080 All Clear 2008-05-20 17:50:48
1.00d Normal 0.000%
Ugly Normal 1cc, with lots of meaningless deaths and stuff. I suck. I'll keep trying, though. YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS, MARISA AND EIRIN (but I can't get angry at Reisen) At least today's sky has an awesome ful moon. Oh yeah, don't mind the 90 FPS, my machine seems to display that when I run the game at 1/3 frames, or something like that at the custom.exe. Feels like 60 FPS, I think. It's either that or LOL 40FPS
(kakusei)PCB ReimuB 816,764,380 All Clear 2008-05-19 08:30:41
1.00b Easy 0.436%
finally 810m on easy mode XD
(J Lau)MoF ReimuC 1,389,920,560 All Clear 2008-05-19 06:49:16
1.00a Easy 0.070%
I tried a couple new strategies out on some of the stages. Many of them didn't quite work, but I high score's a high score I guess.
(Poochy)PCB SakuyaB 511,292,040 All Clear 2008-05-19 01:01:12
1.00b Normal 0.268%
Bugged replay: So, I decided to try PCB Normal after not having touched PCB Normal for over two months, which is why I suck so much in this replay. Then, while fighting the Prismriver Sisters, I apparently hit 50,000 Cherry+ right as I was hit, resulting in a weird glitch. I lived and lost the border, but I also lost power. And equally weird was when I was hit again, and DIDN'T lose power nor the Spell Card Bonus.
(SonicZeroX)MoF MarisaB 95,551,340 2008-05-17 19:16:53
1.00a Extra 0.060%
I got CAVED by Suwako. Nuff said. Watch the replay if you don't get how Suwako can cave people.
(Laggy)MoF ReimuB 29,402,400 2008-05-17 14:36:40
1.00a Lunatic 0.100%
(Roukan)PCB ReimuB 357,068,500 All Clear 2008-05-16 17:13:51
1.00b Phantasm 0.021%
(Phar)EoSD ReimuA 223,504,010 All Clear 2008-05-16 14:53:23
Lunatic 2.688%
A fairly unimpressive lunatic run capped by a near-flawless stage six run: no bombs used and only a single death, at Scarlet Gensokyo (ignoring the stupidity at the start of the stage).
(kakusei)PCB ReimuB 735,196,120 All Clear 2008-05-16 08:36:24
1.00b Easy 0.414%
my pcb 1cc on easy mode BTW i suck ><
(Roukan)IN Alice 80,408,550 All Clear 2008-05-14 10:39:03
1.00d 1.707%
Trust me, you've never seen Fantasy Heaven captured like THIS before. At least, I think you haven't...
(SonicZeroX)PCB SakuyaA 224,136,300 2008-05-13 19:05:16
1.00b Normal 9.107%
(Vi)PCB MarisaA 157,890,880 All Clear 2008-05-13 07:32:46
1.00b Normal 0.248%
Demo of Stage 4 to show capture of Lyrica's card. The rest of the stage is eh.
(Fallen Soul)PCB MarisaB 259,760,580 All Clear 2008-05-12 14:26:18
1.00b Easy 14.100%
it's not too much
(Fallen Soul)PCB MarisaB 259,760,580 All Clear 2008-05-12 14:24:21
1.00b Easy 14.100%
marisa B, easy, 1cc, 14.10% slow
(Fallen Soul)PCB MarisaB 259,760,580 All Clear 2008-05-12 14:23:17
1.00b Easy 14.100%


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