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« 1 ..... 935 936 937 938 939 ..... 972 »
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VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
(fallensoul)IN Yuyuko & Youmu 1,325,433,410 All Clear 2008-11-25 20:34:04
1.00d Extra 0.237%
Yuyuko doesn't need a good aim. Random shooting always hits someone (easily if there's one with big phoenix wings), and in Gensokyou Social Skillz, you just have to hit someone. hehe... Epic Failing Ihakasa's Moon Curse. lol at Youmu bombing to the emptiness, twice. Anyways... Possessed by Phoenix first time in game captured.
(fallensoul)IN Yuyuko & Youmu 654,435,090 2008-11-25 20:31:27
1.00d Lunatic 0.901%
Just for the lulz! Anyways, it seems not too impossible.
(G_gglypuff)MoF ReimuB 180,539,440 All Clear 2008-11-25 11:58:26
1.00a Normal 1.480%
First time beating MoF. Hm... The hitboxes of some bullets are much smaller than I thought.
(Kelvin)IN Remilia & Sakuya 1,165,515,610 All Clear 2008-11-25 11:12:35
1.00d Extra 0.000%
My first Extra clear. Normally I'd never upload something with this much room for improvement, but there was a sad lack of Sakuya/Remilia replays.
(Prody)PCB ReimuB 523,744,960 All Clear 2008-11-25 03:17:48
1.00b Phantasm 0.145%
Random run of Yukari!
(bjwdestroyer)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,695,780,770 All Clear 2008-11-25 00:17:40
1.00d Extra 0.315%
This run is actually from August, uploading it now. A great 13/14 capture run, 3 last spells used. I did this run before I knew everything there was to know about the scoring system in IN however, so the score isn't too impressive.
(nintendonut888)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,813,067,370 All Clear 2008-11-25 00:02:08
1.00d Lunatic 1.289%
Why the shinies stop? I like shinies...LOLspeak aside, this is my fifth default lives lunatic clear counting the PC-98 games. Some nice tactics learned on stage 5 made up for some abysmal playing on stage 3 and 4, but I was still certain I was going to lose like last time when I reached Kaguya 2/2. But then hax set in and I captured her first three spell cards. My bombing of Hourai Jewel may not be nice to look at, but it sure does feel good. Cleared 1/0. ...I bet you all thought the 23% slowdown max lives clear was a fluke, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU??? Okay, I'm done.
(Azareph)PCB ReimuA 577,806,610 All Clear 2008-11-24 12:19:59
1.00b Hard 0.467%
Another 1cc hard default lives. This one went better than I expected. Great dodging on Alice's last spell, I wish I fought a different prismriver sister because the one I got was the hardest. Youmou wasn't as good as other times but I came out fairly unscathed. uh stage 6 youmou midboss's first attack never hits me... very stupid mistake. Yuyuko didn't go very well. her non spells are hard for me, and I messed up a lot of things I have captured before. I did get sumizome though and was very happy. Ended 3/3 just like I started :B
(nintendonut888)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,373,307,840 2008-11-23 21:43:45
1.00d Lunatic 1.838%
...I deserved what I got. I was doing really really well up until Kaguya, where I just...started dying to things I simply should not be dying to. Successfully switching directions on Salamander only to die to the laser, bombing her last non spell card, dying to the beginning of Hourai Jewel...I deserved it. Really...TT_TT
(Drake)SA ReimuA 191,041,900 2008-11-23 21:34:17
1.00a Extra 1.810%
And I tried so hard, too ;_; One of the most depressing replays you may ever see.
(Azareph)EoSD ReimuA 124,096,870 All Clear 2008-11-23 13:54:27
Hard 0.419%
My first 1cc on hard with default lives ever on any game. I had some stupid deaths mostly in stage 4 and I really thought I wouldn't make it but I played it out to see what would happen and actually I just barely did it with 0/0 lives/bombs. I need to be less stingy with bombs in the future. I think 2-3 times during this run I said "come on I used a bomb" out loud.

oh patchy you're so awesome, why must you hurt me so much.
(AM)SA ReimuA 4,005,225,500 All Clear 2008-11-23 03:35:35
1.00a Lunatic 0.460%
AM's 4 billion run. Uploaded as a backup since the original has been temporarily removed from the jp scoreboard.
(Rabbit)EoSD ReimuA 82,486,950 All Clear 2008-11-22 17:26:22
Normal 0.370%
My first 1cc of something that matters. It was bittersweet, some shocking captures on Colourful Rain and Extreme Colour Typhoon but some utterly embarassing moments (Rainbow Wind Chime, all of Stage 4). Still, I did it! ^__^
(Wong)MoF ReimuA 1,719,720,550 All Clear 2008-11-22 16:35:06
1.00a Lunatic 0.170%
DISCLAIMER: Slowdowns due to system performance during danmaku heavy portions of the replay is cause for suspicious movement. No lives lost. 5.00 Power at the end. All but one spellcard captured. The uncaptured spellcard is Hina's midboss card, but that was sacrificed for scoring purposes. Hit faith cap at stage 4. *collapses*
(RIN7iNx)SA ReimuA 740,438,800 All Clear 2008-11-22 08:29:43
1.00a Hard 0.140%
No Comments...
(RIN7iNx)SA ReimuA 521,469,120 All Clear 2008-11-22 08:28:58
1.00a Normal 0.090%
No Comments...
(RIN7iNx)SA ReimuA 998,200,990 All Clear 2008-11-22 07:35:41
1.00a Lunatic 0.140%
No Comments...
(fallensoul)PCB ReimuA 568,042,600 All Clear 2008-11-22 05:13:40
1.00b Hard 0.235%
Another 1cc Hard. Bomb flood Yuyuko's normals, hell yeah. lol... Yuyuko is easier than Youmu... Every spell card of her, less Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome, captured.
(nintendonut888)PCB MarisaB 120,178,890 2008-11-22 01:08:29
1.00b Lunatic 0.470%
First default lives lunatic attempt, ending with the death fairy at the end of stage 4. I've got a ways to go...I'll stick with failing on IN lunatic for now.
(Azareph)IN Reimu & Yukari 18,385,000 All Clear 2008-11-21 21:47:05
1.00d Extra 0.482%
Imperishable Shooting - I've always wanted to clear this card. I have trouble getting through small gaps so this one was really a challenge for me. (This try was the first one I even saw the green ones and after)
(Azareph)PCB SakuyaA 600,955,700 All Clear 2008-11-21 15:29:46
1.00b Phantasm 0.230%
My first clear of Phantasm. 3 lives left too. It was a lot easier when I let myself use bombs before I die :B (has a bad case of "I can get through it.. ow") I think I capped 7 cards. I really need to learn the pattern to Boundary of Humans and Youkai, I thought we were done because it was in the center then it moved again
(nintendonut888)IN Reimu & Yukari 950,267,940 2008-11-21 00:58:04
1.00d Lunatic 3.310%
I've beaten EoSD lunatic, going back and beating IN lunatic on default lives should be a snap, right? ...Yeah. Even though I entered stage 5 with one life and no bombs, "it's way too late to make a difference" hax managed to get me to scrape by all the way to Brilliant Dragon Bullet. I primarily blame Keine for everything. Because Keine suxs, amirite?
(Azareph)EoSD ReimuA 190,348,710 All Clear 2008-11-20 21:42:45
Extra 0.223%
My first clear of extra. The beginning I had done so many times I had it down pat. Patchy went well but 1 bomb. Most flandre cards capped except...

4 of a kind - I tried the corner for no stupid reason and that's a bad idea

maze of love - !!!? I think that's the epitome of brain fart. Didn't even move at the beginning...

then will there be none? - I should have capped this but let the gap get too small

QED - Good beginning but I have trouble aiming myself through close bullets. Used 2 bombs when I got scared... then double ko'ed again but I had a spare life this time ^^
(Uberchoco)PCB MarisaA 560,221,090 All Clear 2008-11-20 05:00:08
1.00b Phantasm 0.021%
My first Phantasm clear, with two lives to spare. Take that, overpowered bitch.
(nintendonut888)EoSD MarisaB 119,081,130 All Clear 2008-11-19 22:30:06
Lunatic 0.649%
Hey guys, guess what I can do? I can haz 1cc? :3
(fallensoul)PCB ReimuB 791,430,720 All Clear 2008-11-19 13:51:26
1.00b Phantasm 0.042%
A good run. My better one, I guess. 11/13 spell cards captured (misses on Double Black Death Butterfly -really a tough one-, and, target missing, I timed below 30 seconds, so Boundary of Life and Death turned to its "impossible" pattern -GIL timing out no-vertical this one is so cool... ** -). heh. Miss once at the remains of Boundary of Humans and Youkai. It was funny... and tragic... Anyways... It's OK.
(fallensoul)PCB SakuyaB 681,810,530 All Clear 2008-11-18 18:59:27
1.00b Hard 1.028%
Yeah... I can do it again.
(sitha)IN Marisa & Alice 1,339,173,540 All Clear 2008-11-18 05:00:34
1.00d Normal 1.096%
My first 1cc with the magic team ^_^
(nintendonut888)EoSD MarisaA 88,462,130 All Clear 2008-11-17 21:35:29
Extra 0.475%
Maze of Love and Starbow Break capture. Some stupid moments, but I feel proud of this run.
(Azareph)EoSD ReimuA 108,180,380 2008-11-17 21:01:11
Extra 0.159%
Double KO on Flansock. Still haven't beaten this extra yet but I have only played EoSD's ex for 2 days. Got unlucky on Royal Flare, Cranberry trap cap ^^, too many flansocks distracted me in 4 of a kind (usually cap), got unlucky on kagome (again usual cap), maze of love (death) always gets me even though I get close, >.> can you tell I haven't memorized counter clock yet? xD. Ok 1st time I ever got to Q.E.D, I wanted to win so I spammed bombs when I felt nervous. When I ran out I had some awesome dodging moments then I won... but got KO'd after I won so it didn't count :xx
(brocoli)StB Aya 404,900 2008-11-17 16:49:12
1.02a None 0.290%
NOTE: Cleared. And better than last time =D, finally broke the 400k barrier.
(Alair)IN Yuyuko & Youmu 1,160,927,130 All Clear 2008-11-17 04:21:17
1.00d Extra 0.059%
My first time clearing Imperishable Night's extra stage.
(Ciriatto)EoSD MarisaA 63,887,960 All Clear 2008-11-16 12:55:37
Normal 7.976%
YES! After that stupid close failure last night, I knew I could do it! I have finally earned the right to fight Flandre Scarlet, the reason I started playing Touhou in the first place! :D
(brocoli)StB Aya 363,360 2008-11-16 09:20:56
1.00a None 0.000%
first time clearing this scene =D and a nice replay already =D, all shots with the red circle thing, and all but one shot above 60k. while the best one is at 79k =D
(bjwdestroyer)SA ReimuA 772,710,990 All Clear 2008-11-16 04:43:00
1.00a Extra 0.060%
Nerves get the best of me. Stupid chokes ;_;
(Ciriatto)EoSD MarisaA 66,726,610 2008-11-15 17:14:15
Normal 6.645%
*cries in the corner* I've been trying to clear EoSD for a while now. If I hadn't screwed up that last spell card against Remilia, I think I would have cleared it. I feel so bad. I was so close! 97.60%. Actually, this was done to show a friend how I play so that I can (hopefully) get some specific tips on surviving. Also, the fight against Patchouli Knowledge was unreasonably bad, and I think that if I'd done like I usually do, I would have had at least a couple of more lives for Remilia. >_<
(nintendonut888)MoF ReimuB 39,774,890 2008-11-15 12:54:04
1.00a Lunatic 0.330%
This is a really nice stage 5 practice I just did. This is the first time I've survived both midboss Sanae's attack and spell card, and I also captured her third spell card. I failed her last spell card, but that's just proof that it's me playing and not some super player.
(nintendonut888)SA ReimuA 524,312,110 All Clear 2008-11-14 23:08:11
1.00a Extra 2.000%
This was an extremely impressive run I didn't know I was capable of...until my first death. Where that death is is sad enough, but then I start dying at the end of survival cards and such. The crowning moment was when I captured Subterranean Rose and died before the the stream disappeared. In the end, this turned out with just one life remaining, but everything up until my first death was great.
(nintendonut888)EoSD MarisaB 94,990,520 2008-11-14 20:54:21
Lunatic 0.722%
I have returned from PC-98 land with 3 default life lunatic clears, and am now ready to begin failing at this game again. I made some really bad decisions that cost me a life to Cirno, and this run was full of sloppy bits. Interestingly enough, I made it all the way to Remilia's fourth non-spell card before dying despite this. There's a margin of error with EoSD lunatic???
(Uberchoco)MoF MarisaC 548,186,450 All Clear 2008-11-14 15:23:44
1.00a Lunatic 0.010%
THERE'S A CROPPED DIGIT OH GOD WHY, there should be a zero in the end... My first Lunatic 1cc ever in Touhou; I made some mistakes (check out the most stupid death ever at the beginning of Stage 5), but I'm really proud of it.


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