Special Conditions Key |
No Focus |
No Spells/Bombs |
No Vertical |
No Misses |
Tool-Assisted |
Unmarked Tool Assist |
Pacifist |
Other |
Desynced Replay |
Player | Game | Character Route | Score | Progress / Spell Card | Upload Date | Special Conditions |
Version | Difficulty | Misses | Spells | Slow% | Human Ratio | Record Date |
Comments |
(richasiandude) | IN |
Youmu |
66,265,390 |
All Clear |
2009-05-29 19:32:39 |
1.00d |
0.348% |
Yukari's Last Word again. |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
597,159,940 |
2009-05-29 19:22:49 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.500% |
Answer: Not unless I get really lucky next time. Attempt #11 involves a lot of failing! Though I did relatively well with Honest Man's Death. I guess I'll stick to the bottom. |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
641,467,300 |
2009-05-29 19:09:36 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.487% |
Behold the power of a good night's sleep! Attempt #10 somehow gets me to Hourai Doll, but without anything in stock! WHICH I THEN GET DOWN TO 1/3 LIFE. I feel quite happy with this achievement. Can I make it within a dozen good attempts? Let's find out! |
(Herbert) | IN |
Marisa & Alice |
1,505,915,870 |
All Clear |
2009-05-29 16:09:51 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.176% |
2nd time clear the extra, a lots better than the 1st. Captured most SCs except "Next History," "Woo," "Fujiyama Volcano," "Possessed by Phoenix" and "Imperishable Shooting." (Well, after seeing the list, it seems I failed a lot of SCs) |
(Picless Anon) | PCB |
ReimuB |
1,341,031,110 |
All Clear |
2009-05-29 15:55:38 |
1.00b |
Phantasm |
0.198% |
Missed the border opportunity on Yukari's third noncard, failed DBDB (bomb) and BoLaD (border). Bumping score prediction to 1.37B. |
(Anonymous) | PCB |
SakuyaB |
1,289,191,260 |
All Clear |
2009-05-29 15:18:29 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0.494% |
How to not give a damn in the morning and resume the same game 10 hours later, and survive. |
(ChaosArbiter) | IN |
Remilia & Sakuya |
725,392,420 |
2009-05-29 14:56:48 |
1.00d |
Normal |
0.087% |
Reisen ... *HATE* |
(Anonymity) | SA |
ReimuA |
32,644,890 |
2009-05-29 13:39:59 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0.530% |
my sucky SA normal, only up to the start of stage 4 mb |
(BaitySM) | EoSD |
ReimuA |
136,673,300 |
All Clear |
2009-05-29 03:57:28 |
Normal |
0.319% |
Not worth nothing. |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
609,037,090 |
2009-05-28 22:17:06 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.713% |
Attempt #⑨ is an embarrassment. Did I seriously just die with full bombs for no reason? With Border Team? |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
642,421,540 |
2009-05-28 21:49:21 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.594% |
Attempt #8 sucked, yet still brought me to Fujiyama Volcano alive. Barely, but alive. I actually managed Honest Man's Death pretty well this time. That's a good sign. Now if I could just stop sucking at Keine... |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
633,910,230 |
2009-05-28 21:36:22 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.689% |
Attempt #7 gets me to the last 10 seconds of Possessed by Phoenix due to a small miracle! I can do this, I just need to stop screwing up so much! And actually see the later cards. |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
666,557,170 |
2009-05-28 21:12:45 |
1.00d |
Extra |
1.063% |
Attempt #6 shows me Mokou's (first?) survival card! With ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in stock! I need to figure out how to deal with Fujiyama Volcano. I keep getting hit by the aimed shots before she even sends out the volcano bursts. Much faster than the version in the SoEW remake. It'd be nice if I stopped sucking at Woo and Phoenix Tail, though. |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
596,710,170 |
2009-05-28 20:53:59 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.599% |
Attempt #5: Horrible start, but got into a pretty good groove after a while. Fujiyama Volcano ends me once again. I wonder when I'm going to cave in and watch Kefit's no-miss Alice run to try and see how to do these more easily. |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
556,386,560 |
2009-05-28 20:29:37 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.472% |
I'm failing less now! Well, on the main things I keep failing at. Mokou's normals, though, plenty of stupid screwups there. |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
472,103,640 |
2009-05-28 20:15:54 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.494% |
Attempt 3 is more predictable. Holy wow did I fuck up a lot. Needs less deathbombs. |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
453,904,800 |
2009-05-28 20:02:04 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.490% |
Attempt 2 provides... progress?! That quickly?! I so cannot do Honest Man's Death. If I could cap that consistently I'd probably be able to clear this within ten tries. |
(E-mouse) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
470,398,810 |
2009-05-28 19:39:52 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.898% |
So, trying IN Extra for shits and giggles now! Even though my gamepad has become horrible and has decided to get stuck on 'left' at random! I've only practiced this a few times, playing through with each team to see the Mokou pre-fight dialog. But I still did pretty good. I think I'm going to need to learn how to do Keine without sucking, and a few of Mokou's early cards, before I'll have a good chance of clearing. Also, fewer stupid mistakes on her normals. Still, 3 lifebars left for a fairly casual attempt is not bad at all. |
(Akumanyan) | EoSD |
MarisaA |
92,902,520 |
All Clear |
2009-05-28 19:24:38 |
Normal |
0.373% |
Finally \o/ |
(ChaosArbiter) | IN |
Remilia & Sakuya |
8,139,450 |
All Clear |
2009-05-28 17:01:41 |
1.00d |
Hard |
1.333% |
Twenty-eight tries. I hate you, Ephemerality 137. |
(Herbert) | IN |
Marisa & Alice |
1,084,551,450 |
All Clear |
2009-05-28 15:24:01 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.139% |
A clear is a clear, no matter how many mistakes in it. |
(dot_asp) | PCB |
ReimuB |
1,617,598,600 |
All Clear |
2009-05-28 13:31:22 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0.179% |
I cleared this run with maximum live possible. Oh wow. |
(Noite) | EoSD |
MarisaA |
111,852,740 |
All Clear |
2009-05-28 07:51:44 |
Extra |
0.344% |
Finally! |
(Backseat Driver) | PCB |
MarisaA |
1,390,553,930 |
All Clear |
2009-05-28 02:07:31 |
1.00b |
Hard |
0.443% |
Practice and memorization, more of it. And more rest. |
(The Embodiment o) | PCB |
SakuyaB |
1,654,567,110 |
All Clear |
2009-05-27 23:51:55 |
1.00b |
Hard |
0.460% |
It's pretty. |
(Bomb Key is Stuc) | PCB |
MarisaB |
1,195,309,720 |
All Clear |
2009-05-27 22:39:39 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0.485% |
Not really, but what a free pass it is. |
(999Cirn(9)fan999) | PCB |
ReimuA |
1,043,800,680 |
All Clear |
2009-05-27 21:43:40 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0.448% |
>.< owies everythign takes so long to die and i dont know what to do i miss my MASTAH SPARKU!!! |
(Noite) | EoSD |
MarisaA |
68,267,870 |
2009-05-27 20:27:20 |
Extra |
0.259% |
(BaitySM) | SA |
ReimuA |
12,743,890 |
2009-05-27 17:48:42 |
1.00a |
Hard |
0.000% |
Bawwww. |
(Drake) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
2,234,800 |
All Clear |
2009-05-27 17:48:24 |
1.00d |
0.493% |
(Poochy) | StB |
Aya |
4,670,720 |
2009-05-27 04:06:58 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
My second time clearing this one. I was trying for score. Despite the two missed Nice Shot! bonuses, I probably won't be beating this one for a couple more hours of attempts. |
(Anonymous) | PCB |
SakuyaA |
938,500,960 |
All Clear |
2009-05-27 02:58:36 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.557% |
http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=2962 here, attempt at scoring. 2 miss/2 bomb, one spell failed (Sumizome Perfect Blossom). |
(Anonymous) | SA |
ReimuA |
78,590,650 |
2009-05-26 23:50:57 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0.100% |
See http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=2391 for dodging Heaven and Hell Meltdown in the middle. |
(Secondary Fan An) | PCB |
MarisaA |
1,295,680,700 |
All Clear |
2009-05-26 22:59:54 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0.501% |
no focus lunatic with sakuya a and capturing every spell would be so hilarious XD |
(Picless Anon) | PCB |
ReimuB |
1,492,183,340 |
All Clear |
2009-05-26 21:40:38 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0.505% |
Is a bomb spamming faggot. |
(Kanako) | PCB |
ReimuB |
194,137,740 |
2009-05-26 21:25:09 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0.413% |
I don't even know anymore |
(Kiro) | PCB |
ReimuB |
360,513,690 |
All Clear |
2009-05-26 20:46:44 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0.045% |
My first ever clear of an Extra Stage. While quite satisfying, I had been running it for awhile and I fouled up on cards that I should have capped: both of Chen's and Banquet. |
(richasiandude) | IN |
Reimu |
24,147,260 |
All Clear |
2009-05-26 10:21:08 |
1.00d |
0 |
0.481% |
This is a No-Focus on Yukari's Last Word. I don't know what gave me this idea but it reminds me of all those challenges that Kefit did. |
(Gelsamel) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
35,767,430 |
All Clear |
2009-05-26 03:29:24 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0 |
1.786% |
Hourai "Fujiyama Volcano" practice. |
(Poochy) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
37,718,710 |
All Clear |
2009-05-26 02:32:27 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.885% |
To illustrate my "move in a circle" strategy. Ignore the first couple seconds, I was just trying to graze. |
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