Special Conditions Key |
No Focus |
No Spells/Bombs |
No Vertical |
No Misses |
Tool-Assisted |
Unmarked Tool Assist |
Pacifist |
Other |
Desynced Replay |
Player | Game | Character Route | Score | Progress / Spell Card | Upload Date | Special Conditions |
Version | Difficulty | Misses | Spells | Slow% | Human Ratio | Record Date |
Comments |
(Sapzdude) | IN |
Marisa |
1,679,350 |
All Clear |
2009-09-25 09:40:41 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0.000% |
A no-focus timeout of Hourai Jewel Lunatic with Marisa Solo. |
(Anonymous) | PCB |
SakuyaA |
282,066,220 |
All Clear |
2009-09-25 08:05:43 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.379% |
(ShiningDrake) | EoSD |
ReimuB |
36,292,800 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 23:44:54 |
Easy |
0 |
0 |
0.328% |
Perfect EoSD Easy clear. My first perfect Easy clear ever, so I'm pretty happy about it~ |
(ShiningDrake) | EoSD |
ReimuB |
76,766,730 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 23:44:01 |
Easy |
0.347% |
Score run of EoSD Easy mode. Died a few times on it, but it's still not that bad, and I got a nice score. |
(Shikka) | UFO |
ReimuA |
238,678,120 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 23:01:21 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.180% |
First time uploading a replay. 1cc Reimu A normal. Damn proud of this run. |
(nintendonut888) | UFO |
ReimuA |
179,416,770 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 21:48:07 |
1.00b |
Hard |
0.100% |
WTF. This was my first time seriously attempting UFO hard. It was quite terrible, with me bombing both Nazrin's spell cards. Still, I guess luck was on my side, for I 1cc'd. Now let's see the lunatic that has stupified so many people... |
(ShiningDrake) | UFO |
ReimuA |
203,750,200 |
2009-09-24 20:50:12 |
1.00b |
Easy |
0 |
0.290% |
Failed perfect score run attempt turned not even completed score run attempt. Meh, could be worse, I could have failed even worse... Probably would have completed this thing if I had actually used bombs on Shou's third spell instead of dying twice to it <.<; |
(Anonymous) | PCB |
ReimuB |
348,705,930 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 19:49:12 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.587% |
(Sodium) | MoF |
MarisaC |
458,846,020 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 19:38:29 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0.000% |
MoF Lunatic 1cc. Messed up the beginning of VoWG pretty badly. |
(BoloMetropia) | UFO |
MarisaA |
239,599,030 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 18:55:03 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0.100% |
(BoloMetropia) | UFO |
MarisaA |
251,600,000 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 18:52:22 |
1.00b |
Hard |
0.490% |
First time 1ccing using MarisaA. Also captured Legendary Flying Saucer =) |
(Sapzdude) | IN |
Reimu |
2,117,060 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 16:57:53 |
1.00d |
Lunatic |
0.000% |
I received a challenge to clear one of my most hated spell cards with Reimu Solo; for some reaosn I don't find it as hard as I used to. Here's a timeout of Hourai Jewel Lunatic. |
(Azinth) | EoSD |
ReimuB |
198,380,660 |
2009-09-24 16:11:12 |
Lunatic |
0 |
1.497% |
(BaitySM) | UFO |
ReimuB |
315,248,100 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 16:10:19 |
1.00b |
Hard |
0 |
0.010% |
:( |
(Zengeku) | EoSD |
MarisaA |
136,007,620 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 14:28:37 |
Normal |
0 |
1.113% |
No bombs run of EoSD Normal. All spells but Marionette captured. |
(Zengeku) | EoSD |
MarisaA |
225,381,900 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 14:26:32 |
Extra |
2.451% |
My highest score on EoSD Extra. |
(( ゚ }) | UFO |
SanaeB |
333,549,910 |
All Clear |
2009-09-24 03:23:12 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0 |
0 |
0.130% |
Someone(I don't even remember who) requested 恨弓「源三位頼政の弓」 (Nue's last card on Ex) timed out, so this run does it (well, captures at 0.00 because I wasn't about to ruin a perfect run). Clears Ex using 0/5 lives and 0/9+ bombs with every card captured. Oddly enough, this started out as point blank bombing every spellcard with SanaeB which I did up until Nue's snakes where I attempted to graze through the snakes (doesn't work, Sanae is a fat slut) and failed too many times that I no longer had enough bombs to bomb every card (actually I did... since bombing a survival card is pretty fucking pointless but.. anyways) so I restarted. How that turned into amassing tons of bombs and never using them and timing out the card on the next run? It's a mystery. |
(BaitySM) | IN |
Marisa |
5,674,380 |
2009-09-24 03:22:23 |
1.00d |
0.000% |
Attempted timeout for a demonstration. |
(BaitySM) | StB |
Aya |
488,960 |
2009-09-24 00:23:33 |
1.02a |
None |
0.000% |
Heh, never knew it could be done like this (incomplete). |
(Sentinel) | UFO |
SanaeA |
539,433,480 |
All Clear |
2009-09-23 21:07:06 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.170% |
A attempted score-run of UFO normal. |
(Beany_one) | PCB |
SakuyaB |
385,738,270 |
All Clear |
2009-09-23 20:27:59 |
1.00b |
Extra |
0.126% |
Been a while since I've played, so I'm glad I can still do this, even if it's iffy. This is a run I did partly to unlock Phantasm again and partly to uproad to yew tewb. |
(SDMX) | SA |
ReimuA |
157,652,220 |
All Clear |
2009-09-23 12:33:36 |
1.00a |
Easy |
0.010% |
(Slowpoke) | PCB |
ReimuA |
43,161,930 |
2009-09-23 11:51:24 |
1.00b |
Normal |
1.053% |
I can't make it past the Prismrivers. Alice and Stage 4 always take a few lives from me. |
(Formless God) | UFO |
ReimuA |
38,700,700 |
2009-09-23 09:41:51 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0.570% |
Captured everything but LOLLAZORS. That thing slashed me at pretty ridiculous speed >.> |
(ghost333) | PCB |
ReimuB |
627,581,130 |
All Clear |
2009-09-23 08:31:17 |
1.00b |
Normal |
1.003% |
(ghost333) | PCB |
ReimuA |
558,401,750 |
All Clear |
2009-09-23 08:30:18 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.831% |
(Noel) | UFO |
SanaeB |
1,604,870,770 |
All Clear |
2009-09-23 07:26:15 |
1.00b |
Easy |
0.180% |
Many extra risks to take, but there are no worries. This is on Easy, after all. |
(ghost333) | IN |
Marisa |
1,415,179,550 |
All Clear |
2009-09-23 07:15:51 |
1.00d |
Hard |
0.841% |
(ghost333) | IN |
Sakuya |
801,705,090 |
2009-09-23 07:15:24 |
1.00d |
Hard |
1.600% |
(ghost333) | IN |
Youmu |
295,900 |
2009-09-23 03:20:21 |
1.00d |
Normal |
0.000% |
(Hawk) | EoSD |
MarisaB |
139,261,240 |
All Clear |
2009-09-23 00:03:37 |
Hard |
0.324% |
Huh. |
(BaitySM) | SA |
MarisaA |
104,995,420 |
2009-09-22 22:39:01 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0.000% |
(kriss) | PCB |
SakuyaB |
188,037,580 |
All Clear |
2009-09-22 20:16:34 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.246% |
Yes!! second touhou game 1cc'd!! Next hpoefully will be EoSD |
(BaitySM) | SA |
MarisaC |
110,168,590 |
2009-09-22 19:45:47 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0.000% |
Demo. |
(Rikter) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
409,463,700 |
2009-09-22 17:18:45 |
1.00d |
Normal |
0.000% |
The best run I have done of any Touhou game... Tell me what i'm doing wrong in my attempts to 1CC any of these. |
(Sapzdude) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
37,742,390 |
All Clear |
2009-09-22 16:52:52 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.000% |
Hourai Doll demonstration. |
(Sapzdude) | IN |
Reimu & Yukari |
11,276,880 |
All Clear |
2009-09-22 16:48:49 |
1.00d |
Extra |
0.000% |
Possessed by Phoenix demonstration. |
(ghost333) | PCB |
SakuyaB |
753,276,020 |
All Clear |
2009-09-22 16:04:32 |
1.00b |
Normal |
1.292% |
(GODrake) | SA |
ReimuA |
17,275,880 |
2009-09-22 12:14:54 |
1.00a |
Easy |
77.850% |
SA Easy Stage 6. Except uh played at like 400FPS HOLY WHAT (third attempt at uploading lol) |
(Zengar) | IN |
Remilia |
1,105,557,120 |
All Clear |
2009-09-22 10:50:57 |
1.00d |
Extra |
14.270% |
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