Special Conditions Key |
No Focus |
No Spells/Bombs |
No Vertical |
No Misses |
Tool-Assisted |
Unmarked Tool Assist |
Pacifist |
Other |
Desynced Replay |
Player | Game | Character Route | Score | Progress / Spell Card | Upload Date | Special Conditions |
Version | Difficulty | Misses | Spells | Slow% | Human Ratio | Record Date |
Comments |
(Poochy) | DS |
Aya |
36,659,860 |
All Clear |
2010-03-17 03:24:26 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Score attack run. I challenged myself to get the maximum possible x2.00 Boss Shot! on all 10 shots. |
(Alex) | DS |
Hatate |
1,701,360 |
All Clear |
2010-03-17 02:58:29 |
1.00a |
None |
1.580% |
10-4. I said this was impossible. I was wrong! It's not impossible. It's just. Very. Very. Hard. This is my new pick for hardest thing in Double Spoiler. Now I am clinically dead. MK seems to have beaten me to this, good on you. Oh well 100% clear! |
(MK) | DS |
Hatate |
759,960 |
2010-03-17 01:55:12 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
I believe it's possible Alex, you just have to have a lot of patience. |
(MK) | DS |
Hatate |
6,839,770 |
2010-03-17 01:43:56 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene SP-9, 276 shots before completion. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YD07FA6X Collection of my DS replays. This was a fun ride. I really liked StB and this game wasn't different. My total score as of now is 36398937. It could use a lot of improvement, but there's also Hatate to play. Thinking about it I'm going to have to go through this game three more times. Another time as Aya to get decent scores on every scene, another time as Hatate to clear the scenes with her, and one more time as Hatate to get decent scores with her. I'm going to focus on getting a lunatic 1cc of EoSD before I start on those. |
(MK) | DS |
Hatate |
1,959,390 |
2010-03-17 01:35:05 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene SP-8, 22 shots before completion. This is nostalgic. This part was incredibly annoying as the middle part of the Shikieiki mirror fight. Not so much here. |
(Alex) | DS |
Hatate |
2,998,500 |
All Clear |
2010-03-17 01:33:20 |
1.00a |
None |
3.490% |
12-7 with Hatate. As usual there's really only one way to do it and it mostly comes down to luck because god help you trying to make those last few dodges on skill. Took 506 shots. Anyway this is all the hard stuff with Hatate, except 10-4 which is seemingly impossible? |
(MK) | DS |
Hatate |
419,960 |
2010-03-17 01:32:43 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene SP-7, 22 shots before completion. Aya's zoom is ridiculous. |
(MK) | DS |
Hatate |
1,184,860 |
2010-03-17 01:30:36 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene SP-6, 34 shots before completion. A.I. controlled Aya clearly does not care for score. |
(MK) | DS |
Hatate |
306,510 |
2010-03-17 01:29:32 |
1.00a |
None |
1.840% |
Scene SP-5, 1 shot before completion obviously. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
2,401,580 |
2010-03-17 01:28:55 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene SP-4, 30 shots before completion. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
2,539,400 |
2010-03-17 01:27:39 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene SP-3, 43 shots before completion. Those photographs have an annoyingly large radius. |
(Poochy) | DS |
Aya |
10,499,920 |
All Clear |
2010-03-17 01:25:42 |
1.00a |
None |
0.230% |
Finally broke 1 million on this scene. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
3,569,060 |
2010-03-17 01:25:15 |
1.00a |
None |
0.240% |
Scene SP-2, 7 shots before completion. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
578,390 |
2010-03-17 01:23:04 |
1.00a |
None |
1.100% |
Scene SP-1, 1 shot before completion obviously. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
5,398,660 |
2010-03-17 01:20:32 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene EX-8, 18 shots before completion. EX-9 is here, http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=7699 Blazing star is rather easy when it isn't a pure survival card. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
3,430,980 |
2010-03-17 01:17:45 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene EX-7, 122 shots before completion. This card really messed with my reflexes. Ideally you should go up when she comes from the right, right when she comes from the bottom, down when she comes from the left, and left when she comes from the top. She comes from each side of the screen once before she stops in a clockwise order. Which side she comes from first is the random factor. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
3,430,980 |
2010-03-17 01:17:38 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene EX-7, 122 shots before completion. This card really messed with my reflexes. Ideally you should go up when she comes from the right, right when she comes from the bottom, down when she comes from the left, and left when she comes from the top. She comes from each side of the screen once before she stops in a clockwise order. Which side she comes from is the random factor. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
4,622,930 |
2010-03-17 01:12:49 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene EX-6, 91 shots before completion. Taking photos of Sanae and the nukeblasts at the same time will get you killed in the aftermath. This doesn't apply for the last shot as there isn't an aftermath of the last shot. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
1,913,960 |
2010-03-17 01:08:19 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene EX-5, 475 shots before completion. The fruit of Marisa's hardwork and study. A card that pretty much screws anyone over by continually shooting lasers from every direction at the opponent. This is possibly the most difficult card in the game. Also always try to get four familiars in each shot. Only three and your chances of getting screwed over is doubled. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
7,460,890 |
2010-03-17 01:04:23 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene EX-4, 60 shots before completion. Rather simple once you start using only horizontal movement for dodging in between shots. Taking photos of Reimu is still a bit risky though. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
1,788,040 |
2010-03-17 01:02:37 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene EX-3, 125 shots before completion. This feels entirely luckbased during the last photo. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
1,311,110 |
2010-03-17 01:01:20 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene EX-2, 60 shots before completion. Marisa can still only make those things go in circles. Fast circles though. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
2,533,170 |
2010-03-17 00:59:24 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene EX-1, 87 shots before completion. You don't see Reimu make an effort like this everyday. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
5,746,170 |
2010-03-17 00:56:05 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 12-8, 88 shots before completion. This card is exceedingly simple for where it's at. Guess Nue likes her vidyagamez. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
5,110,050 |
2010-03-17 00:54:00 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 12-7, 317 shots before completion. I can get in the first few shots consistently, but it's generally a clusterfuck during the last two. This is some pretty fearsome danmaku. It'd be horrendous if it was like this at the end of UFO where if you bombed during the last card the bullets would just turn into knives. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
5,832,630 |
2010-03-17 00:50:39 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 12-6, 241 shots before completion. Didn't encounter the glitch once. I played windowed 960X720 if that matters. The lasers were extremely annoying in this just due to their speed. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
18,978,490 |
2010-03-17 00:47:18 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 12-5, 120 shots before completion. Not to hard once you understand how it works. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
5,366,350 |
2010-03-17 00:46:16 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 12-4, 426 shots before completion. That last shot is near impossible. Also why is the first wave of knives so messy in comparison to the ones that come after it? I also thought I had the knife hitbox mastered before this card. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
6,440,180 |
2010-03-17 00:43:46 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 12-3, 204 shots before completion. It must be nice to be kunaiproof, Hijiri. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
2,073,820 |
2010-03-17 00:41:45 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 12-2, 85 shots before completion. 12-1 is here, http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=7698 It was difficult shooting the Nue clone while they were at the bottom as the camera naturally shifted towards the real one. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
5,831,360 |
2010-03-17 00:38:46 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 11-8, 28 shots before completion. I wonder if ZUN could've made a different sprite instead of just horrendously stretching out the knife sprite. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
1,024,980 |
2010-03-17 00:36:55 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 11-7, 32 shots before completion. This card is pretty much effortless once you figure out how to do it. Does ZUN not like Kanako or something? Her cards seem phoned in. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
5,997,650 |
2010-03-17 00:34:10 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 11-6, 55 shots before completion. This was fun in that silly run around the entire screen way. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
1,934,310 |
2010-03-17 00:32:31 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 11-5, 29 shots before completion. This card only has a smidgen of difficulty until the very last photo. I think I died with six shots taken several times. |
(Poochy) | DS |
Aya |
6,619,360 |
All Clear |
2010-03-17 00:29:27 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Decent score, but it could be better. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
1,476,940 |
2010-03-17 00:29:09 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 11-4, 88 shots before completion. Good old fashioned bullet clusterfuck. Not that difficult when you can clear a large swath each spread though. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
937,960 |
2010-03-17 00:26:29 |
1.00a |
None |
0.290% |
Scene 11-3, 10 shots before completion. Is this really it? Kanako's kind of disappointing in DS honestly. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
4,169,890 |
2010-03-17 00:24:44 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 11-2, 58 shots before completion. There is surprisingly little dodging in this scene despite it feeling the screen with bullets. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
8,061,220 |
2010-03-17 00:23:06 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 11-1, 33 shots before completion. Brute force seemed to work surprising well for this card. |
(MK) | DS |
Aya |
8,204,790 |
2010-03-17 00:19:55 |
1.00a |
None |
0.000% |
Scene 10-8, 340 shots before completion. I freaking hate the balls. I also hate the lasers. Watching this replay I did some incredible manuevering to get through this scene though. |
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