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« 1 ..... 69 70 71 72 73 ..... 76 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
(DgBarca)SA MarisaB 7,222,490 2009-10-12 11:21:17 Other Condition
1.00a Normal 0.040%
Rhythm'n'SA Never do that again.
(NeoSerela)SA ReimuC 19,497,500 2009-10-11 13:09:51 Other Condition
1.00a Easy 0.130%
Beat Utsuho while staying above the PoC 99% of the time. Accidently dipped under it a few times, but not by much. Capped final card, awww yeaaah e we
(BaitySM)SA ReimuA 15,830 2009-10-10 18:31:05 Other Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0.000%
Originally supposed to be pacifist, until I realized my lack of resources :V
(nintendonut888)UFO ReimuA 35,292,690 2009-10-03 22:31:34 No MissesOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0.190%
Perfect Kogasa fight. Sadly I bombed once on the stage, so this isn't quite a perfect. :'(
(BaitySM)UFO MarisaB 96,377,740 2009-10-01 06:03:32 Other Condition
1.00b Extra 0.000%
No shooting on Nue; draft version. I reckon everything's possible. But the chance to make at least one error given the duration of some of these Spell Cards is pretty damn high. This run ends on "Danmaku Chimera".
(Rose)UFO ReimuA 222,692,120 All Clear 2009-09-28 20:43:09 Other Condition
1.00b Extra 0.120%
10 / 13 spellcard ReimuA NEEDLES GO! No UFO, even though I combined one (no gain) right at the mid boss to clear the UFO bar.
(GODrake)UFO SanaeA 51,293,360 2009-09-28 17:08:16 Tool-Assisted ReplayOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 9.460%
UFO lunatic Stage 6 TAS. The most notable parts are her third non and LFS. Seriously you can't even see what I'm doing.
(GTR)EoSD ReimuB 95,396,010 All Clear 2009-09-26 20:07:21 Other Condition
Easy 0.360%
Some sort of speed run.
(ebarrett)IN Youmu 207,480 2009-09-26 12:56:03 Other Condition
1.00d Lunatic 0.000%
Reimu runs away during "Fantasy Seal -Fader-". This happens VERY often.
(( ゚ })UFO SanaeB 333,549,910 All Clear 2009-09-24 03:23:12 Tool-Assisted ReplayNo MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Extra 0 0 0.130%
Someone(I don't even remember who) requested 恨弓「源三位頼政の弓」 (Nue's last card on Ex) timed out, so this run does it (well, captures at 0.00 because I wasn't about to ruin a perfect run). Clears Ex using 0/5 lives and 0/9+ bombs with every card captured. Oddly enough, this started out as point blank bombing every spellcard with SanaeB which I did up until Nue's snakes where I attempted to graze through the snakes (doesn't work, Sanae is a fat slut) and failed too many times that I no longer had enough bombs to bomb every card (actually I did... since bombing a survival card is pretty fucking pointless but.. anyways) so I restarted. How that turned into amassing tons of bombs and never using them and timing out the card on the next run? It's a mystery.
(GODrake)SA ReimuA 17,275,880 2009-09-22 12:14:54 Tool-Assisted ReplayOther Condition
1.00a Easy 77.850%
SA Easy Stage 6. Except uh played at like 400FPS HOLY WHAT (third attempt at uploading lol)
(hiddenryuu)EoSD MarisaA 56,066,720 All Clear 2009-09-21 23:10:03 Other Condition
Normal 0.571%
Inspired by Drake's no capture run of MoF, I tried to do a "No tricky dodge" run of EoSD. Here I almost bomb every pattern (3 spell cards captured and 2 of them are from rumia) and pretty much bombed all the non spells. There were a couple places I accidentally death bombed but that was cause I got momentary distracted. I don't even think I scored high enough for the last extra life.
(Matsuri)MoF ReimuB 52,119,440 All Clear 2009-09-20 20:59:08 Other Condition
1.00a Normal 0.000%
Going for lowest score as possible, while still killing every boss. OMG SHOOTAN GAEM IS SO HARD!!!1
(Drake)MoF ReimuA 162,887,360 All Clear 2009-09-20 19:39:20 Other Condition
1.00a Normal 0.000%
(Krim)MoF ReimuB 436,190,020 All Clear 2009-09-19 23:40:11 Other Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0.000%
Fixed that previous run (, Lunatic 1cc at 75 frames per second (125% speed).
(Krim)MoF ReimuB 245,422,510 2009-09-19 23:14:01 Other Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0.000%
Played at 75 frames per second (125% speed). Watch as I bombspam my way through anything halfway threatening and fail at the last second of VoWG.
(Genshuku)PCB ReimuA 558,778,040 All Clear 2009-09-17 17:17:56 Tool-Assisted ReplayOther Condition
1.00b Extra 99.443%
TAS of Extra Stage. AKA, I do more batshit insane stuff, hooray~
(nintendonut888)UFO ReimuA 47,078,840 2009-09-14 00:56:12 Other Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0.310%
Perfect Ichirin fight, now with less slowdown. <3 This new computer.I guess we all really overestimated Ichirin back in the demo, because it turns out she's alright after all. King Kraken Strike is still a bitch though.
(Solmyr)UFO SanaeA 141,498,120 All Clear 2009-09-12 07:15:58 Other Condition
1.00b Easy 3.770%
"No UFO Run" Would have been a no bomb too, but it seems even that's too much for me, even on easy. Stupid death on Kogasa, stupid death on Nazrin. Maybe if I hadn't died on those two I would have made it...
(Gamecubic)UFO ReimuA 6,497,770 2009-09-10 20:03:31 Other Condition
1.00a Hard 0.000%
Watch me getting my E-Peen squashed by Nazrin on Hard. TWICE. In about FIVE SECONDS. I suck at Touhou. But I still love it.
(DgBarca)UFO MarisaA 9,732,270 2009-09-09 10:33:06 Other Condition
1.00b Normal 0.060%
If I don't do this EXACT UFO chain, I restart
(Solmyr)UFO SanaeB 93,654,700 All Clear 2009-09-05 21:55:37 No MissesOther Condition
1.00b Easy 0 5.190%
"No Deaths Fail All Cards Run" Please ignore my stupidity at Flying Fantastica. That death did not count. *Insert witty comments about this silly challenge.*
(nintendonut888)UFO ReimuA 54,593,570 2009-09-02 17:51:00 Other Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0.370%
Legendary Flying Object captured. Also, while every one of my deaths in this was stupid, the fact that even factoring in stupid deaths and the fact that I entered with no bombs due to screwing up the stage serves to show how far I've come in a short time frame.
(nintendonut888)UFO ReimuA 54,593,570 2009-09-02 17:50:47 Other Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0.370%
Legendary Flying Object captured. Also, while every one of my deaths in this was stupid, the fact that even factoring in stupid deaths and the fact that I entered with no bombs due to screwing up the stage serves to show how far I've come in a short time frame.
(Genshuku)PCB MarisaB 1,136,492,610 All Clear 2009-09-01 23:08:42 Tool-Assisted ReplayNo Focused MovementOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 99.516%
TAS PCB Lunatic Marisa B No Focus (excluding me mashing shift for no reason other than to say 'hey, this is TASed') Run. I captured the last spell, too. It's not only a run, it's a play-around too. I intentionally get myself in a few risky situations, so I put the 'Other' stamp on too. (Focusing is for people that don't know where their hitbox is. MANLY PEOPLE NO FOCUS)
(BaitySM)UFO SanaeB 49,072,390 2009-09-01 06:09:44 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Hard 0 0.000%
Attempted NDNBNUFO run. (that is, No Deaths No Bombs No UFO summoning). Died twice to clippage.
(Alex)UFO SanaeB 175,088,520 All Clear 2009-08-30 00:49:52 Other Condition
1.00b Normal 0.210%
Man this game sure is hard! You only get a couple of lives, and those bouncy UFO shaped danmaku almost never go away! Fortunately I only got tagged by one of them here, and never saw the big angry boss UFO! That's good, right?
(nintendonut888)UFO ReimuA 44,091,550 2009-08-27 15:17:26 Other Condition
1.00a Hard 0.340%
Syou beaten with no deaths and one bomb. I have no idea how I pulled this off (other than said bomb both taking out her first spell card and the first wave of her second non-spell) after usually doing terrible on her, and I have no idea how I didn't clip her third spell card like I always do, let alone capture it. I died twice on the stage, once to Greatest Treasure due to me failing to death bomb in time, and another due to UFO stupidity on my part. Let's pretend it was "planned" to give me full power on Syou.
(GODrake)UFO SanaeA 41,372,070 2009-08-27 12:10:06 Tool-Assisted ReplayOther Condition
1.00b Extra 4.670%
lol spinning lasers of death you have been raped sideways
(nintendonut888)UFO ReimuA 43,259,430 2009-08-19 19:24:31 Tool-Assisted ReplayOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 11.500%
Perfect Ichirin battle. I marked this as tool assisted because I can in no good conscience consider this a legit run due to how much Unzan's brofists slow my computer down (check the FPS counter whenever the fists come on screen). There are some dodges that I cannot say I could do if it weren't for the slowdown, so please don't consider this legitimate. However, I decided to upload this anyway, just for kicks. I also only died once on the stage, because I'm still working on the whole "wall" part.
(Phar)UFO MarisaA 286,403,460 All Clear 2009-08-18 11:13:41 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Extra 0 0 0.080%
No deaths, no bombs, no UFOs.
(shadowbringer)UFO ReimuA 49,991,980 2009-08-17 20:23:33 Other Condition
1.00a Normal 0.070%
Stage 4 Normal Practice Run where I try to both learn Minamitsu's spellcards and learn better ways to score on this stage; notes: - at the red enemies past the midboss, I should aim for rainbow-colored UFOs - at the big fairies after this part, I should aim for blue UFOs (must check if it's possible to summon one)
(exe3e)UFO ReimuB 41,415,030 2009-08-15 19:22:21 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Hard 0 0 2.370%
UFO hard perfect stage four, one of the anchor card was laggy but whatever.
(Arcenio)UFO ReimuB 92,825,870 2009-08-15 15:55:41 Other Condition
1.00a Normal 0.000%
Just skip to the stage 5 boss and you'll see why I uploaded this replay.
(Rabbit)UFO SanaeA 66,653,110 2009-08-15 14:29:04 Other Condition
1.00a Normal 0.300%
Not a clear, uploaded for the purpose of demonstrating Kogasa's Monster Sign "A Forgotten Umbrella's Night Train". I consider this to be a pretty solid demonstration of my approach.
(Poochy)IN Reimu & Yukari 90,897,840 All Clear 2009-08-14 01:04:28 Other Condition
1.00d 1.961%
A no-horizontal clear of Wriggle's Last Word.
(fallensoul)EoSD MarisaA 69,071,720 All Clear 2009-08-13 11:17:07 Other Condition
Normal 1.830%
lol, since my Down key isn't working... it's a no-down challenge (actually, I pressed up just once). Red Magic almost finnished me. Oh, nice... Patchouli no-vertical perfect battle.
(brocoli)StB Aya 163,830 2009-08-08 20:09:54 Other Condition
1.02a None 0.000%
more polishing on no-horz. Btw, Cleared. total score: 2.335.940 now.
(brocoli)StB Aya 253,070 2009-08-08 17:42:44 Other Condition
1.02a None 0.000%
Small StB No-horizontal updates. This is a THBR forum challenge (one no-horz per level, lvls 1 through 9), so I'm improving it a little. My added highscore is now of 2.306.580
(brocoli)StB Aya 137,410 2009-08-08 17:41:58 Other Condition
1.02a None 0.000%
Small StB No-horizontal updates. This is a THBR forum challenge (one no-horz per level, lvls 1 through 9), so I'm improving it a little. My added highscore is now of 2.306.580


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