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« 1 ..... 934 935 936 937 938 ..... 972 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
(fallensoul)PCB SakuyaB 536,605,690 All Clear 2008-12-04 08:10:49
1.00b Extra 0.178%
A friend's request. Nothing special.
(nintendonut888)PCB MarisaA 326,198,130 2008-12-03 22:01:31
1.00b Lunatic 1.735%
Please ignore the last run and watch this instead. ^_^ Got to Prismrivers 3/3, could have done better, but stage 5 completely destroyed me. I barely got through Youmu, but entering stage 6 0/0 left me with no defense against the bullet spam of ultimate BS, so yeah.
(nintendonut888)PCB MarisaA 317,467,960 2008-12-03 21:09:03
1.00b Lunatic 1.759%
With some help on stage 2 and a sudden burst of good playing, I was on a roll. Sure I died with full bombs to Alice's opening attack, but I still reached the Prismriver Sisters with 3 lives in stock. Then I promptly lost all 3 in retarded ways against them, and I scraped by stage 5 until just before midboss Youmu. I'd be laughing if I weren't crying so much...
(Kefit)PCB MarisaA 70,277,400 All Clear 2008-12-03 18:22:37 No Bomb Usage
1.00b Lunatic 0 0.396%
PCB stage 2 Lunatic no bombs no deaths no borders broken. Uploaded for instructional purposes.
(Rabbit)EoSD ReimuA 90,232,160 2008-12-03 11:31:44
Normal 0.537%
What was supposed to be a pretty good run quickly turned into one of the most embarassing trainwrecks in recent memory. Mistakes on Stage 4, Marionette and Eternal Meek really screwed me over. Then I ran into a bullet.
(nintendonut888)PCB MarisaA 303,976,970 2008-12-02 22:53:03
1.00b Lunatic 1.821%
CHEEEEEEEEEEEEN! If it weren't for that stupid stupid cat, this would have gone much better. I've decided that Marisa A is in fact the best way to go, as this run takes me all the way to Components of Konpaku.
(essen)PCB ReimuA 859,647,690 All Clear 2008-12-02 18:32:24
1.00b Normal 0.568%
Not a bad run, demo for a friend.
(LtC)MoF ReimuA 1,059,132,580 All Clear 2008-12-02 15:40:51
1.00a Normal 1.500%
Moutain of Faith Normal difficulty score run on Reimu A.
(Uberchoco)IN Marisa & Alice 1,221,067,900 All Clear 2008-12-02 15:03:12
1.00d Normal 0.000%
My first IN 1cc ever. Pretty suckish, but whatever.
(Alair)MoF ReimuA 227,140,680 All Clear 2008-12-02 12:15:32
1.00a Normal 0.000%
(fallensoul)EoSD MarisaB 159,130,310 All Clear 2008-12-02 10:24:39
Hard 1.396%
So... Marisa with lazahs 1cc Hard. After three days of disgusting tries. I don't know what is my problem with this shot type. It's Master Spark, BTW.
(KasainCandy)PCB ReimuA 18,401,400 All Clear 2008-12-02 06:30:11 No Vertical Movement
1.00b Normal 0.694%
(KasainCandy)PCB ReimuA 10,675,770 All Clear 2008-12-02 06:22:16 No Focused Movement
1.00b Normal 0.195%
(KasainCandy)PCB ReimuA 8,516,320 All Clear 2008-12-02 06:17:48 Pacifist
1.00b Normal 0.381%
(Affinity)SA ReimuA 352,542,220 All Clear 2008-12-02 06:14:19
1.00a Normal 0.470%
(nintendonut888)MoF ReimuB 18,316,950 2008-12-02 00:54:21
1.00a Lunatic 0.010%
I must be the only person out there to troll through replays. Kanako's easy. :p
(C.Nein)PCB ReimuB 325,302,520 All Clear 2008-12-01 17:40:07
1.00b Normal 0.318%
First PCB normal 1cc. Completely fell apart in stages 5 and 6, but other than that, it was an okay run .
(essen)PCB ReimuA 155,100,340 All Clear 2008-12-01 13:12:23 Other Condition
1.00b Normal 0.367%
Demonstrating an easy strategy for this stage while having fun grazing and scoring. No bomb, no miss, all cards captured, almost no focus.
(Nemoma)SA ReimuA 243,347,010 All Clear 2008-12-01 08:12:29 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Easy 0 0.160%
All Clear All SC got except Pita Flare and Hell's Artifical Sun
(oHellJungo)StB Aya 220,410 2008-12-01 08:09:59
1.02a None 1.430%
(fallensoul)EoSD MarisaB 118,750,590 2008-12-01 01:55:39
Hard 1.142%
How to waste a good run... Good run till stage 4 (missed once at Water Elf). EPIC FAILed stage5 and 6. Failed at Scarlet Gensokyo. Damn it, Remilia.
(kraken)IN Reimu & Yukari 43,677,340 All Clear 2008-11-30 23:17:19
1.00d Extra 0.000%
Instructional replay on how to clear spell card 199, honest mans death
(nintendonut888)MoF ReimuB 75,258,930 2008-11-30 23:13:46
1.00a Lunatic 0.310%
This was meant to be a random stage 6 lunatic practice, but turned into a full run somewhere down the road (probably the menu). This is mostly for critique, but it's the farthest I've gotten, reaching Aya's first spell card.
(Ciriatto)EoSD MarisaA 103,474,980 All Clear 2008-11-30 21:33:04
Extra 17.952%
FINALLY! I have finally fulfilled my purpose for playing Touhou! I have found the source of the McRoll'd music, I have earned the right to play with Flandre Scarlet, and I defeated her! F**king FINALLY! This is truly a day to remember! I'm very proud of myself for this clear. I had a lot more confidence in my chances against Q.E.D. "Ripples of 495 Years" this time. The only question is: "What now?" Now that I've completed what I set out to do, what do I do now?
(oHellJungo)StB Aya 57,750 2008-11-30 02:52:03
1.02a None 1.230%
(oHellJungo)StB Aya 102,980 2008-11-29 12:21:32
1.02a None 1.010%
(oHellJungo)StB Aya 73,230 2008-11-29 12:21:10
1.02a None 0.100%
(fallensoul)EoSD ReimuB 124,024,450 All Clear 2008-11-29 02:54:49
Hard 2.112%
Bomb flood. @_@
(Ciriatto)EoSD MarisaA 70,135,230 2008-11-28 21:40:02
Extra 19.784%
Holy shit! I can't believe I lost! Flandre is the reason I started playing Touhou, after I felt a need to hunt down the source of the music to the "McRoll'd" video on YouTube. This is my best run yet, and the first time I've ever made it to her last Spell Card. By the way, I play with a Wii Remote, because I'm cool.
(nintendonut888)EoSD ReimuA 94,664,600 All Clear 2008-11-28 19:03:47
Extra 0.262%
XD I can't believe I cleared even on a run like this...I start out with a death, but I continued because I just wanted to try Royal Flare with Reimu A. I never guessed that I'd beat Flandre like this. Well, I guess this means I've beaten Flan with every character!
(nintendonut888)PCB MarisaB 558,379,920 All Clear 2008-11-28 15:52:12
1.00b Phantasm 0.636%
Finally, a phantasm run where I sufficiently own Yukari, clearing 3/1. Someday I'll actually attempt Double Death Buttefly instead of cheesing it out through border bursting...the same day I time out Q.E.D.
(nintendonut888)EoSD MarisaA 96,123,220 All Clear 2008-11-28 00:16:51
Extra 0.258%
My best extra clear by far. No deaths on the stage, Royal Flare captured, perfect Flandre fight until her second to last normal attack. Would have been cool to not die like that on And Then Will There Be None, but I'll take this run.
(fallensoul)IN Yuyuko 1,367,416,560 All Clear 2008-11-27 12:10:36
1.00d Extra 0.167%
2 spell failed, Fujiyama Volcano and Imperishable Shooting (I even not captured them on spell practice). The best run I've made on Extra so far. First time playing with Yuyuko solo.
(RIN7iNx)SA ReimuA 1,087,479,880 All Clear 2008-11-27 06:18:04
1.00a Lunatic 0.090%
No Comments...
(Zengeku)MoF ReimuA 440,058,820 All Clear 2008-11-27 02:25:11
1.00a Extra 0.630%
Clear of the Extra difficulty of Mountain of Faith. Not much to say... i captured a nice bunch of spells in my opinion and finished the entire thing with 3 lives and 3.00 Power in stock as well as a capture of her final spellcard the first time i ever tried it. I'm quite happy.
(fallensoul)IN Marisa & Alice 40,221,410 All Clear 2008-11-26 16:53:08 Other Condition
1.00d Extra 1.157%
lol Only possible with MariAli.
(fallensoul)EoSD MarisaA 125,385,960 All Clear 2008-11-26 12:42:19
Hard 4.239%
First time 1ccing hard at tEoSD. It is not very good... Even not broke my high score on this level. Remilia double KO'd me with Scarlet Gensokyo. ^^" ... Significative slowrate, I have to solve this problem. The climax: Captured Eternal Meek (no slowrate =D)! lol
(pAdIwAnI)MoF MarisaB 59,223,990 2008-11-26 11:51:21
1.00a Normal 1.260%
Died at the second last Spellcard of Stage4 Boss.
(kiida)SA MarisaC 4,857,080 2008-11-26 08:49:37 Other Condition
1.00a Easy 0.080%
ok,normally due to my lack of skill,i would not post a replay,but for a large section of this one,my computer was constantly trying to drive right and i had to fight against that,so for the fact i actually cleared the practice with that,even if it was a bad clear,i felt i would share it
(nintendonut888)PCB MarisaB 217,655,800 2008-11-25 22:46:27
1.00b Lunatic 2.249%
I really should just stop aiming for so many lunatic clears in such a short period of time...yet what else can I do? This run started out very promising...until Alice killed me with bombs in stock...twice. Despite this, I make it all the way to stage 5.


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